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Old 16 November 2010, 23:44   #1
Country: USA
Town: Muskegon
Make: Zodiac and Avon
Length: 5m +
Engine: I/o Diesel and outbo
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 2
Help Setting values

I just purchased a group of boats and have a couple ribs that I do not know the value of and was wondering if I could get a little help from forums members? I am not sure what to do with the boats at this point, sell them as they are, repair them and resell, or part them out.

Both boats appear to be former coast guard vessels but I am not 100% sure of that.

The first is an Avon SR5 not sure of the year yet I believe it to be a 1987 but I didnt write the numbers down, it is an orange hull with gray tubes. Boat is in good condition needs a bath, tubes are holding air fine. Currently does not have an outboard on it.

The second is a Zodiac Hurricane 640D 1992 with a volvo duoprop diesel engine and drive combo. The boat ran a few years ago but has been sitting since. Engine had some water in the bilge and is rusty but the guys said it should run. I am going to take a cursory look at it thursday or friday depending on my schedule. I am assuming the engine is going to need work but the rest seems pretty good. Tubes were partially inflated and according to the yard guys had not been inflated in years. I am going to refill them also and see how they hold.

I will also have pictures by the weekend. I am hoping to find out if there is a market for these boats in currnet condition as I have a couple large boat projects already this winter. If there is a market what is a fair price? also would I be a fool to not fix them up and sell them in repaired condition?

thanks in advance

Mike the newbie
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Old 19 November 2010, 00:38   #2
Country: USA
Town: Stuart, FL
Make: Willard 730
Length: 7m +
Engine: 2 x 175 Suzuki's
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 815
A little more info.

Hello, I could lend a help with pricing if you provide me with more information namely pictures for starters.
RyanPratt is offline   Reply With Quote

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