Originally Posted by bkils@mac.com
yup 48 knots (Kts) as in 55.2 Mph = 88.9 Km/h = 24.7 m/s.
You see that is why our two countries have a "special relationship"...
... because FIBnet exists on both sides of the pond

Its just about possible to get to 38 knots with that prop on the right engine:
13" rotating at 6500* / 1.8** rpm (x 60 min/hr) = 2816666 "/hr = 38.6 Nautical miles / hr.
* the maximum RPM for any 2-stroke I've ever seen.
** the minimum gearbox ratio of any outboard I've ever seen.
Even then a 10% prop slip is considered normal, and less than about 8% amazing (or unbelievable depending on your outlook!).
If you really are getting 48 knots the engine must be screaming its tits off (over 8000 rpm) in which case a video of it blowing up would be good.