Originally Posted by sunrider
How much do you need? I have some darker grey and if you don't need too much I could send you some....
Hi Bryan,
Wow, that is generous! I held my nose and paid $16.00 for 1 square foot of perfectly matching grey fabric which is plenty to do a couple small patches in visible areas. However, the boat has some areas that are getting worn where the wooden floor has been rubbing against the transom and a few areas along the sides. So I wanted to reinforce those worn areas but was rather shocked at the fabric price. The most worn area in the back needs about a 4"x40" strip which is more than I would feel comfortable taking from someone. (And probably more than anyone wants to give away!) I don't mind paying for it but I hate to pay what appears to be an outrageous price that the local shops are charging. I found online a place that sells black Hypalon for $32 a yard from 54" rolls. That comes out to about 13.5 square feet per yard which is $2.37 per square foot. Maybe I am missing something but I would not think that grey Hypalon at the boat store should cost 675% more than black Hypalon. I may just end up gettting a yard of the black which would be more then enough to put strips over all the existing strips along the floor line that are a bit worn. But I would rather use matching grey color if I could find it at a reasonable price.