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Old 17 February 2017, 01:48   #1
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info on avon sr6.0h

hello , i am looking for some info. i have a avon sr6.0. i plan on finally getting around to doing some work on it, have taken off the old motors and stripped the hull. when i took a look under the floor at the flodding hull i noticed that there was a lot of water in it. Unlike my sr5.4 there is a long tubelike structure that extends from the hole at the bottom of the transom towards the front of my boat. this prevents the water from just exiting the hull from the hole in back. i dont understand how the water can excape. my 5.4 has a hole without anything blocking it. if i put my hand through it there is nothing there but open hull. water excapes perfectly and fast when under power. but with the 6.0 if i reach into the hull i can only feel the tube extending forward. Im not sure how to explain this so hopeiong someone will understand what i am asking, i cant get any pictures yet but will try. the best way to explain it is it as if someone fiberglassed a 4 inch pvc pipe to the exit hole, i do not have any idea how far this extends toward the front. It looks like there will always be some water still left in the hull since this setup will not completely drain it. Because of this i am considering blocking the hull up and possible installing built in gas tanks. i am looking at running twin 90hp mercury outboards on the boat instead of a single outboard mainly because i already have the motors. i was looking for any threads dealing with the avon 6.0 especially any that show the floor removed and set up under the floor. thanks
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Old 17 February 2017, 06:06   #2
tworotorturbo's Avatar
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Here's a drawing of it. Its a long tube that goes into the ballast up front.
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Old 17 February 2017, 06:11   #3
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The SR6 that I had, a 40 gallon tank was able to fit in the deck just in front of the ballast, but I think the ballast was shortened a few inches.
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Old 17 February 2017, 14:21   #4
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Sr 6

I believe that unlike the smaller SR models the SR 6 does not have a full water ballast hull. I have worked on two this past year and neither of them did. The large opening in the transom connected to a large ballast area almost centered front to back. There were access ports in both boats in the deck into a below deck cavity that was sealed off from the water ballast chamber.
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Old 18 February 2017, 02:38   #5
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thank you both for reply. I see the tube in the diagram going to the front. when you say the ballast is it a seperate tank? with my my 5.4. the whole hull floods. i believe there are some foam blocks built in to keep the water more even in the hull but when boat is pulled from the water every drop of water under the floor empties out. you can look right in and see the whole open hull. if i olook inside the 6.0 i look down the tube but cant see much else. there are 2 access ports at the back of the boat in the floor. . when i opened them i saw i had water in hull then noticed the tube. there was no way for the water i could see to get into the tube to exit out the back of the boat. If the tube goes to a seperate ballast tank then would i be able to open the hatches in rear of the boat and see a dry hull while in the water? that would make sence to me if that is the case. the water i had in there could have just filled from rain. if that is the case i could put a bilge pump there and not be affected by the flodding hull. does anyone have any pics of a 6.0 avon with the floor removed for refference? thanks again for any help
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Old 18 February 2017, 13:13   #6
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thank you chriss. you explained everything to me. even before i sent my last post. im glad to hear that. Any idea how many gallons the tank holds? still wondering if i should block the flodding hull up. Im still planing on running twin motors and that may help with the freeboard which looks low already. I love the flodding hull in my other boat, would never block it up. will probally try the new boat both ways and let everyone know how it works out, thanks
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Old 18 February 2017, 15:25   #7
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No idea how much the cavity holds. I went to look at buying one last summer and that cavity was full of water. The seller tried telling me it drains when you give it throttle ! Not sure he realized it was a separate cavity from the flooding area. I would try to find the point where water is getting in and seal it off or the bilge pump will work also. It will probably run great with twins.
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