Looking for some advice to get back in a RIB?
I used to be on here a while back. I had an 18' Nautica Navy boat I restored (not amazing like you guys do it, but good enough for Space X to buy it!)
Anyway, I had to sell it and it was hard to let it go. But I ran across another RIB that I think I can get for really cheap - although I have a friend who may be interested in it so I'm going to let him have first shot.
Here's a description...690 Zodiac aluminum hull with an enclosed pilot house area (if that's what they're called). (I'm not sure which model it is officially but it looks like it is a rescue boat of some sort). Twin Johnson 150 2 strokes from the early 2000s. It has four seats with shocks. It has a foam collar and has sat in the sun for a several years but everything looks pretty good considering. It has radar on the top, but the components GPS, fishfinder, et cetera were taken. It will need a few batteries. It has no keys so that will have to be replaced too.
It will need new tires, engine check, gas tank emptied, paint, new bearings, cleanup, carbs serviced, impeller, et cetera. I really don't know if the motors are frozen or if they're in great shape but they look super clean and have just over 200 hours on them according to the gauges...but who knows?
If I can swing it I will try to find a way to hang on to it. If I can't make it work financially, I will get it in great shape and sell it.
So the question is, what do you think it is worth currently (without knowing anything about the motors)?
What do you think it is worth if cleaned up nicely and if given a lot of TLC?
I really appreciate your advice.