Introductions by way of a few pics from a camping trip we did this summer out of Port Hardy, British Columbia. Three days north up the inside passage to Bella Bella and Shearwater, then 20 miles south into the heart of Hakai Provincial Marine Park where we camped a few days on a beach off Cultus Sound. We have been canoe and kayaking camping, but thought a rib would help us get to places quicker, further out and more safely. We'd planned to take the folding Feathercraft kayak to use from our base camp, but it was just too much stuff for a first trip on the rib. Maybe next time...or maybe not, the rib was great fun.
More pics in my albumn, "BC Central Coast Camping Cruise"
"I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you.".