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Old 22 June 2008, 19:17   #1
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Newbie Questions

OK, I got my boat, and lots of questions.

The boat is a 2004 novurania 430dl w/a yamaha 50 hp 4 stroke.

This boat and motor came w/out any owner's manuals. I guess i will have to go to the manufacturer's websites to find that info.

My first question is regarding fuel consumption. Any ideas on how much fuel would be consumed w/a light load at around 20 knots? I am guessing that i have a 10-13 gallon tank. I am going to go to catalina island from dana point, and would hate to run out of fuel 1/2 way. I believe that the distance is around 32 miles.

My second question is regarding flushing the engine. i see a hose coupler, and i believe that i tilt the engine forward out of the water. is the engine supposed to be running or off?


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Old 23 June 2008, 18:27   #2
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So you did decide on the Novurania. Congratulations.

32 nm sounds about right for the trip. It took me about 75 hours on my boat last year before I felt comfortable taking her out that far. Take your time getting to know the boat and the systems.

You can look on the Yamaha site, which will tell you a boat of your size should get about 8 (n)mpg. Looking at the Novurania site, the current models have 13 gallon tanks. I'd try to test those metrics out close to home before banking on them. I usually carry an extra 5 gallons when I'm going for a long ride.

Best of luck, and keep us posted. That sounds like a heck of an adventure.
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Old 24 June 2008, 06:07   #3
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congrats on the boat and good luck.
Thats quite a way for that stretch of water. Make sure you leave at the crack of dawn (fog permitting ) and plan on coming back early morning ,as you know ,that stretch kicks up quickly in the afternoon. (learnt that the hard way )
If it's flat , then its feasible. Anything else and you are going to need a visit to a massage parlour when you get back ( no, the genuine sort )
Do you have nav. equipment and charts in case the fog comes down?
Watch out for those big boys ; as you go through a major shipping lane
Still heading for two Harbors?
cheers Dal
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Old 24 June 2008, 13:47   #4
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After 75 hours, i am sure that you feel very comfortable with your boat.

Unfortunately, i don't have much time before my inaugural trip. I plan on going to Catalina for the 4th of July weekend.

Thanks for the website info. I am still trying to navigate around tha Yamaha and Novurania sites.

It sounds as though i should be able to make it there and back on 1 tank.

I will post a report and pics of my maiden journey.


I have made the trip to Avalon about 6 times on my 23.5 foot boat, and will definitely leave early in the morning. I would like to try to come back in the afternoon though. It can be rough though. Ever hear of someone wearing a kidney belt?

I do have charts, compass, and a gps unit. It is pretty much a straight shot, and hopefully shouldn't be much different than my bigger boat, except a rougher ride, and more exposure.

hmmm. what am i getting myself in to? jet skis do it, so i am going to give it a try!

Yep, lots of big boats, but they are real slow, and you see them miles ahead of you.

I am going to Avalon.

take care.

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Old 24 June 2008, 16:06   #5
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Motor off if you're using the flushing attachment (assuming your motor has one, that is... hose connector on a blind plug just below the powerhead.) Connect hose (helps to support the hose end so it doesn't pull the connector off), turn it on, and let it run for about 5 to 10 minutes. If you use muffs, then idle the engine.

Motor user manual should be available here:

Don't know about your boat, but my Achilles 14/Honda 40 used to run a couple of weekends on a 6 gallon tank. A five mile run wouldn't really show any noticeable drop. I'd suggest you run it for a few hours and get a good feel for how much fuel you're using at a given speed.

That said, it's tough to take too much fuel with you, especially if you're talking open ocean. Take a couple of extra fuel cans with you. Rough seas can up your fuel consumption by quite a bit, and running out is at the very least time consuming and embarrassing, and at the worst, fatal.

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Old 24 June 2008, 18:03   #6
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My first question is regarding fuel consumption. Any ideas on how much fuel would be consumed w/a light load at around 20 knots? I am guessing that i have a 10-13 gallon tank. I am going to go to catalina island from dana point, and would hate to run out of fuel 1/2 way. I believe that the distance is around 32 miles.

Congrats on the new RIB! I know that 4 strokes are more efficient than 2 strokes. With my AB 430 with a 2 stroke 50HP I am able to travel 10 nm with a 6 gallon or 25 liter tank. It is about half full when I arrive back at the marina. By the way of GPS I am running inbetween 23-26 mph hour.

This is traveling with either one or two guys and some fishing gear. I would imagine a 4 stroke would use a lot less. Hopefully that will give you some idea of fuel consumption.

Flotilla 130-07-08
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Old 07 August 2008, 15:06   #7
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Originally Posted by zip View Post
OK, I got my boat, and lots of questions.

My second question is regarding flushing the engine. i see a hose coupler, and i believe that i tilt the engine forward out of the water. is the engine supposed to be running or off?

Some engine brands can be flushed with engine being on/off, With engine off, will need a good water pressure coming through the engine water flush intake to force open the thermostat to clean the cylinder head area well. If not will just be cleaning other internal parts.

Flushing engine on will let the thermostat open itself properly once heated, like a car radiator thermostat does. A good 10 minute flush will be recommended. Check to see if both methods can be applied to your 50 HP engine. Ask a Yamaha dealer for this importatnt info and if needed to be flushed in a tilted or vertical position.

Happy Ribbing
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Old 07 August 2008, 17:12   #8
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Yamaha will be engine off on the hose attachment, engine running if on muffs.

Manual here, Zip, in case you don't have it:

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