Alright well we finished on Weds last week. I took a lay day on Thurs and we seatrialed on Fri.
Here's the scoop. Seastate was fairly lumpy and confused ocean swell which it was hard to do top speed for long before we chickened out. Boat was jumping the swell ie. under control and smooth.
Boat is off the hook now, completely different than before. At 1800 rpm we are doing mid 24kts. This is incredibly quiet and smooth and we could have a conversation in a normal voice, the turbo hasn't spooled up much yet.
At 2200 rpm we are doing 30kts and still very civil.
When we gunned it WOT we hit 38.5 kts into the swell which BTW was exactly the predicted top speed. I only held it for a few secs before backing off. My crew not being used to fast boats was literally hands shaking after a few WOT runs and asked for mercy.
Going with the swell we saw 39kts. The boat was intentionally underpropped at top end to give better bottom end acceleration. The acceleration is eye popping and instant.
The Konrad twin prop is a completely different beast than the 520. It's a full 4" shorter which gives it less drag. It's unbelievably grippy with absolutely 0 hesitation and 0 cavitation. It doesn't torque the boat to one side like the 520 either.
The drivetrain was so quiet and smooth. The boat also feels like it is gliding better in the water whereas with the 520 you really felt the drag of the drive.
I'm gushing but really I was surprised at the difference.
Now as far as go pro. I FORGOT to bring IT!!! Whoops.
We tried the iPhone method and got some unsteady video at 25kts but after that, my film crew needed to hold on and the iPhone wasn't happening.
I'll try again when I am back home and update the thread.
Here's the shaky iPhone vid
Heading Home....Beautiful Day near Mammoth