Monday was test day.
I'm just old enough to have been exposed to imperial and metric measure. Canada switched to metric in the mid seventies so I use both interchangeably. It irritates my children who are fully metric.
Lake ontario out front of Port Credit was like a mill pond. Flat water. air temp 14 (58F) , water temp 8 (47F). Lake Ontario is 75 m (245 ft) above sea level. SE wind at 6 mph.
Fired the boat up before I left home. I hate disappointment at the launch ramp so pre test is key. It fired right up after its winter nap. I still have not dealt with the belt or idler squeal. It's a slightly annoying noise... All was good, no fluid leaks detected.
My mission was to go to Toronto and back if things were looking good. It only 8 miles east so just a short shake down. Ontario is covid locked down so I could not go downtown for a burgher and a beer at my favorite marina. That will have to wait a bit. Nice harbour tour though.
First results:
As mentioned previously the boat is overall noticeably quieter.
I did uncovered an unsettling handling qwirk that will have to be addressed. I will talk about that later.
As before the boat crabs slightly to the left when at speed. Its subtle but increases in a linear way from just planing to max speed. That's normal for a big single. Its only a degree or two but does look slightly odd.
Top speed is maybe 1/2 knot faster than in November at 40.5 knots. I would call it the same, the fuel flow settled a little lower at 75 l /h. More Efficient prop maybe ?
The rpm at max knots is bouncing off the governor at 3650 rpm. Its obvious I have the power to swing more prop pitch, but do I want to...
These are the few readings I noted. I will do a full chart at 250 rpm increments sometime soon.
1000 rpm 4.1 l/h 5.5 knots
2500 rpm 33 l/h 27 knots
3000 rpm 45 l/h 32.4 knots
3650 rpm 75l/h 40.5 knots
As mentioned before the acceleration is jaw dropping. I will try to get data but its hard to run a stop watch when you need two hands to hang on...
The handling qwirk is this. We settled at a slow cruise of 2000 rpm then pushed the throttle down smartly. The supper charger clutch engages instantly with a growl, the whole boat instantly rolls 15 degrees to the right (left turning prop) and begins a rate one turn to the right as it is accelerating like a banshee. (about 3 degrees per second turn).

To counter you need an equally instant quarter turn of the wheel to the left on a very stiff steering wheel due to the high teering load.
The first time this happened I was a little alarmed. A sudden but understandable reduction in throttle causes the almost identical opposite reaction. The boat rolls suddenly from 15 degrees right to about 10 degrees left and starts a slight more subtle turn to the left. The whole boat is being torqued around the prop shaft...
This all must happen from a standing start but you have more time to steer and adjust.
This is a recipe to get ejected from the boat if you are not careful.
I did ask myself briefly if I had gone too far with the power....
I don't remember this phenomenon with the aluminum prop that I had on the boat in November. We were so distracted by the cold and rain I don't remember testing the boat in this way. In any case my starting point for a fix is to go back and try the aluminum prop again, to try to decouple the boat from the water a little. A flexy aluminum prop might dampen this phenomenon.
Has anyone broken an aluminum prop with too much power ?
I do know that chris had a Konrad 560 duo prop leg on his boat. That would have eliminated this torque issue. It may turn out to be my solution too.
I was worried about fresh air ventilation and the small engine space. The present ventilation seems adequate so far. I can put my hand on the dry exhaust and is only warm to the touch. Thank you Jwalker for the tip about the silicone tape. Worked perfectly and looks good too. There is a large volume of cooling water coming out of the exhaust. Like a fire hose when at speed. I gather these engines have big sea water pumps. The downstream exhaust temp did not exceed 40c (120) in this cold water. Transmission was good. Just hot to the touch. I haven't got my temp gage installed yet. Im guessing it was about 50c (130F) perfect.
Its great fun trying to figure this beast out.
More to come as I continue testing.
Cheers DA