Mrs Nasher has a 54 Plate 1.7CDTi Astra SRI.
Considering what we paid for it a few years ago second hand, it’s a great car to drive with sporty suspension/wheels/tyres/bucket seats etc, and it goes much better than you’d think whilst returning good MPG.
However, sometimes the stupidest of things sideline it.
Yesterday evening for example, she called to say her coolant light had come on. So I shot out with some mixed antifreeze topped it up and we got the car home at 9.30pm with pink coolant pouring out all over the garage floor
The leak was buried deep under the side of the engine and took two hours to find with a mirror having stripped half the engine bay out.
A bit of coolant hose 6’ long with a bend in it had delaminated, ballooned up and split
Luckily it had a part number printed on it, so I Googled it, and guess what?
Loads of posts on Astra and Vauxhall forums from all over the world saying this hose had split

At least I discovered it’s officially titled a ‘Thermostat Bypass Hose’.
My first reaction was to get a length of hose of the right diameter and fit that, but as it’s got a bend in it I thought I’d try our local dealer first.
The parts desk guy even recognised the part number I gave him over the phone, and said, oh yes we’ve got loads of those in stock as they go all the time. £10.42 to you sir.
So I’m guessing a buyer somewhere decided to pay 20p for this hose rather than 22p, and Astra owners have had to put up with the consequences ever since whilst Vauxhall don’t consider up-issuing it to a better quality part.
Rant over.
PS. I’ve been running Procurement departments in companies for years and have probably made some daft calls myself during that time