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Old 07 February 2009, 13:41   #1
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Streaker/Orange
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Battery dies at the worst time

A breif rant really

I've been on hols last week to Gambia - hot sunny etc - missed all the snow fiasco & was quite content in that for the last 6 years I've driven a Hyundai Santa fe ( differant ones - the latest is a 2.2 td 2006 with 60kish on it ) and they have never ever broken down etc until ......
1.30 am Gatwick Long term parking, after I've trodden in a puddle of slushy ice - there is snow on the ground its freezing & more snow forecast then .....

nothing - no flashing lights to tell me I've unlocked it - no lights on the dash when I turn the key not a glimmer.

I check to see if I have left a door open and hence interior light on - nope all closed up right. Call the RAC - hour plus wait ! Get on the bus to back to the terminal & the bus driver says give me 30 secs - calls his chap who turns up ( before I've even walked back to the car ! ) with a bloody great set of jump leads & hey presto ! off we go . Gatwick to Bournemouth in 1 hour 20 mins & seems fine this morning . Its in next week for a service etc so I'll see how it goes this week.

How on earth have I managed to wipe out the battery without killing it in one go ! ( It may of course pack up tomorrow now I've said that - if I have I'll be looking for the warranty to get me a new battery )

The guy with the leads also mentioned I may have killed the computer ( by draining/ jumping it and it would cost thousands to fix that wont be a warranty effort ! ) .

I will also be nominating him for a nighthood for saving my arse as the Mrs was not looking impressed at all - I couldn't even open the passenger door to let her in - electric deadlocks & all.
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Old 07 February 2009, 13:48   #2
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The ECU should be fine, its no different to disconnecting your battery the re-connecting it.
Sounds daft but did you remember to lock your car before you went away, when you lock the car it goes into sleep mode, draws alot less current and preserves the battery. If you don't lock it it keeps all the systems running and puts alot of load on the battery.
Daft things like glove box light need checking to see if it does go off.

A friend had an X5 which kept going flat, that was a resistor on something that caused the fault, BMW knew all about it though.

Hope you get sorted.
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