I don't know about direct equivalents in the marine world (I'm sure there are), but there are plenty of other examples of mis selling.
One of the most common seems to be describing anything from an Avon Redcrest upwards as a RIB - with many it is pretty obvious, but there was an old Avon on ebay recently which the seller was adamant was a RIB. It wasn't obvious from the photos and the start price and buy it now were consistent with a good condition Searider. He only really dropped himself in it when he answered a question saying that it was a rib because it had rigid wooden floorboards above the inflatable keel
. Obvious to a ribber, but to a newbie...
The other thing that makes me laugh is the huge quantity of 'ex RNLI' kit advertised. I'm sure some if it legit, but 4m Seariders and Beaufort SIBs (to name but two)? - I don't think so.