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Old 19 May 2008, 11:55   #1
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DIY Aircon re-gas

Anyone used the DIY Aircon re-gas kits?

Mine needs topping up again and I'm thinking of going DIY with a can of sealer/Dye and a can of Gas.

Not going to go for the Halfords type set up.
I'm going to go for a kit that has a reusable hose, connectors and Gauge.

They are about £40 from various places on-line.

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Old 19 May 2008, 16:47   #2
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I have never needed to have aircon topped up - but then again I have never had a Jap car for long..............

Often the gas isn't the problem anyway. £40 seems a bit steep for DIY - you can get it done by the pros around here for that.
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Old 19 May 2008, 19:08   #3
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£40 for a pro
Its £10 down the guildhall steps

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Kwik-fit do it for @£45 here.
The DIY option is actually £46 now I've looked properly, but thats only the first time, once you have the gauge, hose connectors etc, the cans of gas are only £12, and Mrs Nashers Pug 206 needs doing too.
It may be that the initial kit will top both systems up as thats all they need.

I quite like the thought of being able to top the system up on any used car I buy in the future too. Plus some of the neighbours have been complaining about their systems and I'd probably only charge them £25 a pop

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Old 19 May 2008, 20:35   #4
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You need to be sure you don't overfill the system, so the gauges are essential. This is a skilled job, but anyone who can read instructions can do it, though.

Technically, if you have had a lkeak, you need to 'recover' the existing gas, being careful not to let it into the environs(!). The system is then evacuated to remove moisture. You then weigh the charge that is put in. The tolerance is not that great.

Using the gauges, you need to know the ambient temperature, and to be able to measure temperatures around the system.

The cans that you just blow into the system are a litte dangerous because you can end up with too much gas in there. If there has been a leak, you can end up with air in the system. There is also an amount of lube oil that should be added to the refrigerant.
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Old 19 May 2008, 21:05   #5
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If your air con needs re-gassing, that means it's leaking.

Why not get a competent air con engineer to do the job properly?

I know that they're difficult to find (ie a competent one) - I've tried loads!

One of the best air con companies in the UK is (was) Serck AutoCool in Hilsea. I hope they are still there - most of the trade in the south of England (used to) sub-contract to them.

From an old business card - London Road Hilsea PO2 9QZ 01705 667641
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Old 19 May 2008, 21:28   #6
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Originally Posted by Nasher View Post
£40 for a pro
Its £10 down the guildhall steps

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Kwik-fit do it for @£45 here.
The DIY option is actually £46 now I've looked properly, but thats only the first time, once you have the gauge, hose connectors etc, the cans of gas are only £12, and Mrs Nashers Pug 206 needs doing too.
It may be that the initial kit will top both systems up as thats all they need.

I quite like the thought of being able to top the system up on any used car I buy in the future too. Plus some of the neighbours have been complaining about their systems and I'd probably only charge them £25 a pop

Ahh now that's different!!!
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Old 19 May 2008, 22:07   #7
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Mine needs top up also and because it is Freon it is going to cost an arm and leg.
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
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Old 19 May 2008, 23:22   #8
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I'll order a set up and try to re-gass both cars systems.
Let you all know how I get on

Originally Posted by Richard B View Post
Why not get a competent air con engineer to do the job properly?
Why on earth would I pay somebody to do something I can do myself?

Seriously, thanks for the number, they are just around the corner from work and can sort it out if I cock it up.

I know the Shogun system was leaking, but I found a joint with some residue around it and have nipped it up a bit.

There is still pressure in both cars systems, so there shouldn't be any air getting in whilst there is still positive pressure keeping it out.
Plus the additive should swell the seals a little to help.

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Old 20 May 2008, 21:58   #9
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The residue is oil. You don't know how much jha escaped. Your system needs oil and a weighed amount of gas. How do you know that the sysemhasn't sucked air in. You only know that the part of the system you checked was pressurised whilst it wasn't running.

I think that with thecost of acompressor runing into hundreds, it is worth getting the job done properly.

Note that this is totally against my nature, but, in this case, is what really needs to be done!

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Old 21 May 2008, 06:20   #10
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Originally Posted by JABS View Post
The residue is oil. You don't know how much jha escaped. Your system needs oil and a weighed amount of gas. How do you know that the sysemhasn't sucked air in. You only know that the part of the system you checked was pressurised whilst it wasn't running.

I think that with thecost of acompressor runing into hundreds, it is worth getting the job done properly.

Note that this is totally against my nature, but, in this case, is what really needs to be done!


Yep I'm with you on this one, we use loads of chillers at work and the gas/oil is critical as is the pump down before hand + flushing if any contamination is present.

If you know a local refrigeration engineer they can do it and often do for £20 while you make the coffee

Also what sort of gas do you have in the system
R407C, R134A etc

Also if you fill a system that you know is leaking, very bad may even equal a fine
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Old 21 May 2008, 12:40   #11
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Originally Posted by bedajim View Post
Also what sort of gas do you have in the system
R407C, R134A etc

Also if you fill a system that you know is leaking, very bad may even equal a fine


It has R134A in it at the moment, as put in by a 'proper engineer' nearly 3 years ago, which is what I'm going to top it up with. Leak stopper/Dye/Oil is put in seperately from another can.

In 3 years its gone from freezing to just cold, so not leaking much, and I don't help by not using it all winter. I have also nipped up a joint with a small amount of residue on it.

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Old 21 May 2008, 21:29   #12
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I tried one of these DIY cans and it did squat. got the proper guy out and told him of my DIY try with the can and he just smiles and said that the cans contain such a small amount of the gass they are almost no use.... hay ho you can but try.

just get the man in.
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Old 22 May 2008, 08:29   #13
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The Halfords type kits are actually useless, as they do have so little gas in them, the proper kits with the separate cans of gas and re-useable hoses, gauges etc are the way to go.

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Old 13 July 2008, 19:19   #14
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Just to report that I managed to top up both my Shogun and Mrs Nashers Pug 206 for £54 the pair.
And of course I still have the equipment, so topping up another car would be @£15 for just the gas.

The kit was easy to use, and now after a few weeks both systems are still very cold.

I added some sealant and oil to both systems before adding the gas, so hopefully it'll be in there for a couple of years or more.

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