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Old 25 January 2023, 18:38   #41
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave View Post
All modern cars are built by accountants, not engineers. Why would any manufacturer build a vehicle to last 15 let alone 50 years? Cars are now disposable items, with depreciation to match. Look at the manf’s. Publicity blurb “recyclable” “eco-friendly” blah blah! We have a T6 campervan, when that is long gone, there will be still original splitty VW campers on the road, assuming fuel is still available. Modern vehicles are more computer than mechanics, and look how long your average laptop lasts. It’s got to the stage where you buy for today & accept that you might get 3-5 years.

Aye and that’s probably why the sales people try their hardest to sell you a PCP deal so you never actually own the car, that’s if you actually fall for their pish
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Old 25 January 2023, 18:38   #42
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Hhmmmmmm, a 2 year old 1975 Wartburg gifted to me by my old man on my 17th birthday (yes that's how much he loved me!) or a modern car built by accountants. I know which I'd feel safer in!
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Old 25 January 2023, 19:42   #43
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Originally Posted by 69cmw View Post
Aye and that’s probably why the sales people try their hardest to sell you a PCP deal so you never actually own the car, that’s if you actually fall for their pish

Yup, it’s the PCP wot done it.
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Old 25 January 2023, 19:44   #44
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Originally Posted by Steve509926 View Post
Hhmmmmmm, a 2 year old 1975 Wartburg gifted to me by my old man on my 17th birthday (yes that's how much he loved me!) or a modern car built by accountants. I know which I'd feel safer in!

“Have you got a spark plug for my Wartburg?”
That’s how old I am. If you know, you know[emoji6]
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4:Don't feed the troll
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Old 25 January 2023, 20:12   #45
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There's nothing quite like a 3 cylinder, 2 stroke, semi-auto, freewheeling death trap, to make you say "thanks dad"
Didn't have it long enough to ask that question Dave, wrapped it around a tree at the bottom of a hill when the brakes faded to zero!
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Old 12 May 2023, 20:03   #46
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Well he’s only gone and done it. I do feel he’s done a bit of a King Henry and made a rush decision, but time will tell.

His 2006 E53 X5 was coming up with issues, seized brakes and an airbag light and it’s his daily driver which added to his woes. Also bubbling wings and a subframe rusted like the Titanic. Brakes I can deal with, nothing that a rebuild can’t overcome. Airbag could be a clock-spring but rust waits for no man. Once it starts it’s a losing fight. Part of the reason I now use Lanogard on my Allroad and smell like I’ve been working on a farm.

So what’s he gone for? He’d short-listed a 3.0 litre V6 Touareg and 2.0 TD4 Discovery Sport. Must be white and black wheels were his only pre-requisites. The Touareg I quite liked, but a little too much chrome for my liking. £20k gets a 2015 model with most of the bells and whistles with 60k on the clock. I also have full VCDS software given I’ve had VAG cars for over 20 years as these cars are sensor heavy. The X5 was £600 a year road tax. I know, that brings a tear to my eye, but it’ll be a can of peach slices in the next few months, so who says there’s not a silver lining?

So he’s chosen a 2017 Discovery Sport in white from Edinburgh with 56k miles. The sales agent on the video presentation was utterly lamentable. If I hear the words luscious leather and immaculate in the same sentence again I’ll join a monastery and commit to a vow of silence. There’s just no knowledge any more. The guy could have been selling a sandwich toaster on a shopping channel.

Anyway, I hope my brother enjoys it. I know nowt about Land Rovers other than it is likely to cost money.
Is that with or without VAT?
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Old 13 May 2023, 04:40   #47
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as long as its not the dreaded 2.0 ingenium engine it might be ok .there very nice to drive
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