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Old 23 August 2005, 19:41   #21
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Right you thick Irish tw** - this is the LAST time I will lower myself to answer your pathetic - childish remarks. Quote by Codprawn

This is the sort of ANTI Irish and Racist remarks, Codds is renowned for and is evident in previous posts which he has a go at the Irish, Tony Blair , Authority etc etc

As I said before I like the cool look of the Defender,

Bogib has some excellent examples in his part of the world, as his photos will atest.
But I will not tolerate people coming on here singing the praises of Landrover this, Landrover that, great British engineering etc etc ,

It simply isnt true, Landrover dont build reliable 4x4s
personal experience has shown me this, I have posted lots of links, some from the Landrover Club itself,!!

Covering all manner of failures, how to convert your timing belt setup to gear driven, where to loctite the bolt holding the oil pump sproket on, because Landrover couldnt be bothered, forget the rusting, the corrosion, the flawed td5 motor , and the serious mechanical failures, these 4x4s are fraught with problems

Codprawn just doesnt like me telling everyone,
I mean how can you have faith in a vehicle, when everyone else builds replacement bits for them, does this not tell you something, if there is such a need to stock so much spares.

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Old 23 August 2005, 20:59   #22
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Originally Posted by gavin
these 4x4s are fraught with problems
Gavin, when should I start to experience these problems current Disco has 96k and the previous one 150K. Then there was my 110 v8 with 124k. I do remember the battery going flat when first Disco wasn't run for 2 months, oh and I had a puncture once too.

Codprawn is taking some flak at the moment over his rib so warrants a little forgiveness, but he shouldn't have played the race card. Hey we might all meet up one day
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Old 23 August 2005, 21:00   #23
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Some of my best friends are Land Rover aholics and it doesn´t matter how much problem they are having with their Landies they get stronger in their believing that Landies are THE 4x4´s and what me concerned I respect their believings.

RIBs and ribbing is my life
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Old 23 August 2005, 21:07   #24
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Originally Posted by Pete7
Gavin, when should I start to experience these problems current Disco has 96k and the previous one 150K. Then there was my 110 v8 with 124k. I do remember the battery going flat when first Disco wasn't run for 2 months, oh and I had a puncture once too.

Codprawn is taking some flak at the moment over his rib so warrants a little forgiveness, but he shouldn't have played the race card. Hey we might all meet up one day
Racism is all a load of crap - people can and DO call me Taffy - Welsh tw@* whatever they like - it is PERSONAL insults that hurt - for example picking on someone who is disabled or too short or too tall or whatever.

And if a welshman can't slag off an Irishman what IS the world coming to????

I have friends from all walks of life some are black - some are white - what the hell does it matter??? My black friends are all stunned by all this political correctness going around - how people aren't allowed to say BLACKboard any more etc.

Don't people realise that it is treating people differently that is the problem??? For example to allow black people into the Police with less qualifications than white people is derogatory in the extreme - it is basically saying that black people aren't as clever as white people.
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Old 24 August 2005, 00:05   #25
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Especially for Dai Cod Prawn & Gavin....

Whats the definition of an Irishman?

A Welshman that can swim !

(I'll get me coat)
Out of the fog......
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Old 24 August 2005, 08:01   #26
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Codprawn, for gods sake chill out, smoke some dope or something, or you are never going to get to see that great rib in the water.
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Old 24 August 2005, 08:17   #27
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Originally Posted by Pete7
Gavin, when should I start to experience these problems current Disco has 96k
...about 97,000 is average...
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Old 24 August 2005, 08:52   #28
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Hope not, I love my Disco. The secret is, oil changes every 5k, major service every 24k, drive it sensibly with machanical sympathy, its not a hot hatch and try not to use cheap supermarket diesel all the time.
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Old 24 August 2005, 08:57   #29
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My Land Rover is still going strong and the Army lobbed it out of an aeroplane!
Tactical Paintball-Hampshire, Surrey and beyond!
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Old 24 August 2005, 10:36   #30
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Originally Posted by codprawn
And if a welshman can't slag off an Irishman what IS the world coming to????
Codders, you have told us on several occasions that you are NOT Welsh and intimated you originate from outside the UK, spent your youth on the Red Sea and various other far flung outposts of civilisation and, for all I know, was the product of immaculate conception and raised in the Kruger national park by a troop of baboons. You certainly don't appear to possess the social interaction skills and warm, open personality of the folk of South Wales, that's for bloody sure

And in anticipation of your inevitable repost 'Why don't you read my post, you'll see that I'm NOT claiming to be a Welshman', I think you'll find that's exactly what you're implying.
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Old 24 August 2005, 10:44   #31
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Originally Posted by Phil Davies
.. You certainly don't appear to possess the social interaction skills and warm, open personality of them nice Midland folks, that's for bloody sure

I know this is what you really meant......
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Old 24 August 2005, 10:49   #32
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Nice to see Ribnet going the same way as most forums...............................
Tactical Paintball-Hampshire, Surrey and beyond!
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Old 24 August 2005, 12:55   #33
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And since when have I EVER said I am not Welsh??? Welsh through and through and proud of it - proud of being British as well - or was until Blair and his mob started destroying all the things I was proud of!!!

Yes I HAVE lived all over the world - which is why I am not as blinkered as some and realise that there are good and bad people everywhere!!!

Only a true Welshman could call his boat "Grand Slam" after all.........
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Old 24 August 2005, 12:56   #34
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Originally Posted by Andy Stevens
Nice to see Ribnet going the same way as most forums...............................
Couldn't agree more - I have had just about enough of all the personal attacks etc etc - of course I am nothing but liar who is sad enough to claim he has bought a rib................
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Old 24 August 2005, 14:33   #35
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Couldn't agree more - I have had just about enough of all the personal attacks etc etc -
Pot? Kettle? These are just from this thread....

Originally Posted by codprawn
or maybe pathetic would be a better description!!!!!

Originally Posted by codprawn
Right you thick Irish tw** - this is the LAST time I will lower myself to answer your pathetic - childish remarks.
Seriously, what seems to me to be happening, more and more, is that we are getting more and more “outrageous” statements from a variety of people. In the real world this generally doesn’t happen too often, because people who make such statements are ridiculed and generally then have the good sense to “wind their necks in”. Here, in fantasyland, there are no such social limits and so the whole thing is in danger of spiralling out of control. Have we not all witnessed the degeneration of reasoned argument and discussion into abuse and even, in some cases, open threats? Where do we draw the line? Should I stop having a pop at an individual, who with his constant, we’ll call the deviations from reality, insults my intelligence? If so will that individual go on, unchecked and risk one day, causing someone some harm that innocently follows some of his preposterous advice? No, Codders, I am not talking about you. I’m not sure you’re a liar… I had you down as a lunatic myself…
So you tell me what a reasonable person should do when he comes across some of this garbage?
I know it’s egotistical of me to call myself “reasonable”, but my psychiatrist says I’m getting better…
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Old 24 August 2005, 15:17   #36
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Originally Posted by Jono
my psychiatrist says I’m getting better…
He's wrong! get a new Psychiatrist!
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Old 24 August 2005, 15:23   #37
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Originally Posted by Jonny Fuller
He's wrong! get a new Psychiatrist!
Naa... he's the only one who agrees with me......
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Old 24 August 2005, 16:55   #38
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Originally Posted by Jono
Pot? Kettle? These are just from this thread....

I know it’s egotistical of me to call myself “reasonable”, but my psychiatrist says I’m getting better…
That is what happens when you just pick out one EXAMPLE!!!

Maybe I shouldn't bite but the guy is TOTALLY obsessed with slagging off Land Rover's and is totally blind to any other vehicles problems.

I NEVER attack anyone unless I am provoked!!!

As to "lunatic" you may well be right!!!
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Old 24 August 2005, 20:40   #39
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I have the ability to come on here, compliment Bogib about the Landies he posted pics of, I admire the look of Defenders in particular, but I am also able to come on and post links and articles to real Landrover problems, articles, and threads on the web.

Its likely lots of us will invarably tow a rib from time to time,I believe that the Japs are streets ahead of British engineering, electronics, mechanics and this is hugly evident in their vehicles, and outboards.
This is a fact of life, you might not like spending on Japaneese consumables, would prefer to support local industry, and engineering, and thats nice, but at the end of the day a jeep for me must do the job its asked of, and be reliable.

Landrovers, and its only my opinion, supported by various internet articles, about recalls, failures, breakdowns unfortunatly are built to a very old design, which was once modern, but sadly have been superceeded by far superior Japaneese vehicles, over engineered, and capable range of 4x4s .
Pajeros, Land Cruisers Patrols, for example
I mean come on you didnt see the Taliban driving around in Defenders,
we all know its Toyota down in Austraila where off roading is a daily occurance, never mind towing.
And the reasons that Japaneese vehicles are used, simply they are reliable vehicles, unlike Landrover, which will let you down.

Now if you are an enthuaist and have the time to do the work, maybe a Landy is for you , but I wouldnt risk it, by towing a boat with one , its the one time you need reliability, and cannot be let down

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Old 24 August 2005, 20:47   #40
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Why are they then still being used by organisations that require vehicles to be 110% reliable? The Coastguard, Bomb Squad, Police, The Armed Forces, The Security Forces.. etc.. etc..
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