24 August 2005, 20:56
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24 August 2005, 20:57
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Thats an easy one to answer, its a policital reason, seen to be supporting local industry and engineering, keeping jobs at home on the Mainland etc etc, if Nissan Patrols were built at the Rover Plant, they would be using them too, If you are a UK organisation, it makes sense for you to buy locally, support your own economy, keep your own people in work you wouldnt have it any other way.
24 August 2005, 20:58
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Originally Posted by tcwozere
Why are they then still being used by organisations that require vehicles to be 110% reliable? The Coastguard, Bomb Squad, Police, The Armed Forces, The Security Forces.. etc.. etc.. 
Conservative ?????? liberal ????? social democrats ????? or labour ???? all up to politics and in fact doesn´t matter as long as they get their extra lobbying pocket money
24 August 2005, 21:18
Country: Ireland
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Getting back to my first point about head gasket failures in Freelanders,
There is a poor guy on here 6 yr old Freelander he is only on engine number 3
and another post refers to Freelanders being released for sale with 15 know defects
24 August 2005, 21:39
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Originally Posted by gavin
Thats an easy one to answer, its a policital reason, seen to be supporting local industry and engineering, keeping jobs at home on the Mainland etc etc, if Nissan Patrols were built at the Rover Plant, they would be using them too, If you are a UK organisation, it makes sense for you to buy locally, support your own economy, keep your own people in work you wouldnt have it any other way.
So why do the Police use BMW's, Subaru's, Volvo's, etc.. Instead of Rover 75's??
It may have been the case a few decades ago that Government financed peeps had to buy British, but not anymore.. Take the case of the Royal Navy Bomb Squad, if the landies they use kept breaking down, and the bombs kept going off because they couldn't get there, its pretty certain they woulda changed their vehicle many years ago.. And Charity's like the RNLI have boards to answer to with regard to value for money when they buy anything..
24 August 2005, 23:12
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I wonder why the Yank special forces use Land Rovers instead of Hummers - as do the SAS?
I wonder why Land Rovers are still so popular in Africa where they get a REAL hammering.
Of course ALL British engineering is obviously crap - which is why Rolls Royce STILL make the worlds best jet engines......
That is it - no more - that Irish thing will continue to slag off ANYTHING British no matter what - serious chip on his shoulder - oh and by the way we invented them as well - even St Patrick wasn't home grown - WELSH actually........
25 August 2005, 08:57
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Originally Posted by gavin
I have the ability to come on here, compliment Bogib about the Landies he posted pics of, I admire the look of Defenders in particular, but I am also able to come on and post links and articles to real Landrover problems, articles, and threads on the web.
Its likely lots of us will invarably tow a rib from time to time,I believe that the Japs are streets ahead of British engineering, electronics, mechanics and this is hugly evident in their vehicles, and outboards.
This is a fact of life, you might not like spending on Japaneese consumables, would prefer to support local industry, and engineering, and thats nice, but at the end of the day a jeep for me must do the job its asked of, and be reliable.
Landrovers, and its only my opinion, supported by various internet articles, about recalls, failures, breakdowns unfortunatly are built to a very old design, which was once modern, but sadly have been superceeded by far superior Japaneese vehicles, over engineered, and capable range of 4x4s .
Pajeros, Land Cruisers Patrols, for example
I mean come on you didnt see the Taliban driving around in Defenders,
we all know its Toyota down in Austraila where off roading is a daily occurance, never mind towing.
And the reasons that Japaneese vehicles are used, simply they are reliable vehicles, unlike Landrover, which will let you down.
Now if you are an enthuaist and have the time to do the work, maybe a Landy is for you , but I wouldnt risk it, by towing a boat with one , its the one time you need reliability, and cannot be let down
Gavin do you have little slit eyes?
You do like all that Jap c**p rather a lot!
26 August 2005, 17:17
Country: Ireland
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Its not possible for you to give it to me one on one, about Defenders, slaging of Irish, St Patrick, Japanese built stuff, will only momentairly deflect attention away from the fact that Landrovers are flawed, un reliable, rusty, and effectivly a hobby vehicle.
As to Landrovers in Africa, maybe the fact they can be purchased cheaply encourages their use in Africa, and third world countries,
As for the RNLI , we get a lot of trailer pulling 4x4 s on delivery in Dun Laoghaire, I have yet to see a Landrover ,over here anyway, mostly Hiluxs and Toyotas with RNLI logos on them,
I dont know about Yank Special Forces using them, Ive only ever seen Hummers on Iraq tv footage,
As to having slit eyes, well I just hope the people who read these forums with an Asian background arnt too offended by those comments,
If you want to have a go at me, disprove the links to various sites I have provided for your reading, that would be more like it
26 August 2005, 17:24
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Originally Posted by gavin
If you want to have a go at me, disprove the links to various sites I have provided for your reading, that would be more like it
There is no point - you are totally biased and prejuidiced - total waste of time!!!
08 September 2005, 07:50
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For my 10p worth... first Freelander I had blew its head gasket at 18000 miles and one month out of warranty. After many grumpy letters and a few copies to watchdog they eventually paid for the repai - but it cost us a month of rental car. Then the exhaust fell off, water leaked into the rear and some plastic bits fell off inside.
Sold it... bought another one.... Td4 this time and its a good little car. (but it can't pull an 8m rib out of the oggin).
And yes, land rovers rock. Disco 3 next subject to available funds.........
08 September 2005, 10:39
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Of course ALL British engineering is obviously crap - which is why Rolls Royce STILL make the worlds best jet engines......
Would'nt push that one too far codders... RR USE to make the best -- but these days GE have probably outclassed RR with the big fans. The real problem with RR was that they put too much faith in carbon composites way back with the developmnet of the RB 211.( 1972) A very good read on all this was the Sunday Times insight team - Paul Eddy . "DESTINATION DISASTER".
By the way did you know Rolls use to make small 2 liter diesel engines??
Its not that "british engineering " is crap "- its just, well , -don'k know where its gone???
08 September 2005, 10:50
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and codders- just to show you I have checked my facts ( for once)
"..However the RB.211's complexity required a lengthy testing period. Things went further astray when the new fan stage, after passing every other test, shattered into pieces when a chicken was fired into it at high speed. (A short-term solution, replacing the fan blading with titanium, also turned out to be problematical, with the discovery that only one-side of the titanium billet was of the right metallurgical quality for blade fabrication). Rolls-Royce went bankrupt in 1971, forcing Lockheed into serious difficulties as well. Rolls was only "saved" by a loan from the US government arranged by Lockheed, (a highly contentious issue in both countries); and the taking of the firm into public ownership by the then Conservative governement. They were eventually able to deliver their first production machines in the early 1970s."
08 September 2005, 10:54
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when a chicken was fired into it at high speed.
On reflection .. poor chicken -- did'nt stand a chance..
08 September 2005, 12:35
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shattered into pieces when a chicken was fired into it at high speed
Should have defrosted it first
08 September 2005, 14:45
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Originally Posted by Kernow
Should have defrosted it first 
No Kernny they use live chickens. Its all about simulation, you see. They must simulate exact circumstances i.e a flying duck or an eagle.Ducks and Eagles are protected - Never heard yet about a flying frozen duck?????????
08 September 2005, 15:00
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Well 85% of Operators choose the RB211 over the GE option........... Yes they did have problems with them in the early days - as most new technologies do - but now they go 19,000 hrs before overhaul - not bad!!!
What exactly do you base your FACTS on that GE are better???
Did you know that Allison who make helicopter engines and the ones on the Hercules are now owned by RR???
Also the Pratt and Whitney PT6 - the most popular turboprop ever was a RR design??? Or that the Labour government sold Russia 12 RR jet engines back in the early 50s which is what most Russian jets are based on
Or that Britain GAVE the USA all our research materials on early gas turbines so most of the Yank stuff is again based on British technology???
In fact Hawker Siddley and Bristol deserve much of the credit before they were swallowed up by RR - who incidently shit on poor old Frank Whittle big style!!!
And before anyone goes on about the German jets from the war they were crap - they say about German engineering - the early jets from the ME262 would only go about 20hrs before major overhaul the Whittle engine about 120!!!
08 September 2005, 15:15
Country: Belgium
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What exactly do you base your FACTS on that GE are better???
I didnt say they were better- just that they have" surpassed RR on the big fans"--- Airbus 380 will use the GE big fan and not the RR.- and most Airbus 300/320 opeartors use GE engines. I am just as patriotic as you- and I do agree RR have been leaders in jet engine technology- and your stupid labour government in 1947 sold the ussr a RR nene turbojet which they copied very seriousely and came out with the brillant Mig 15 and 17 which caused havoc in Korea as it was able to outclass the sabre .Later on they developed the Mig 25 from the same engine - but you are probably aware of the problems that caused western defence chiefs.??
08 September 2005, 15:19
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Originally Posted by eupa
No Kernny they use live chickens. Its all about simulation, you see. They must simulate exact circumstances i.e a flying duck or an eagle.Ducks and Eagles are protected - Never heard yet about a flying frozen duck????????? 
No they were frozen  I met one othe the people who used to do the tests.
Always thought it would be a good thing to have on my CV …… ‘frozen chicken cannon operator’ or in MOD speak 'Avian air strike simulations officer'.  Des
08 September 2005, 15:22
Country: UK - Wales
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Why oh why do you not check the FACTS????
The first A380s use RR Trents and many have been ordered!!!
Selected by five out of eight operators who have so far made engine
Singapore Airlines (10 firm + 15 options)
Qantas (12 firm)
Virgin Atlantic (6 firm + 6 options)
Lufthansa (15 firm + 10 options)
Malaysia Airlines (6 firm)
Total: 80 aircraft (320 installed engines)
08 September 2005, 15:26
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Scary Des
No they were frozen  I met one othe the people who used to do the tests.
Always thought it would be a good thing to have on my CV …… ‘frozen chicken cannon operator’ or in MOD speak 'Avian air strike simulations officer'.  Des
Why not use a human being???
http://www.nearlygood.com/video/jetintake.html (streaming unfortunately)
Beleive it or not he survived!!!
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