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Old 23 November 2005, 06:57   #61
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Originally Posted by Hugh Jardon
i dont think so......

the performance gains together with the very deep noise levels and presence are what it is all about, it enhances the riding experience 100 fold. also torque was increased thru the range especially in the mid section so ridability is improved too. Anyone following me will only hear my bike and feel the beat of the exhausts . Makes you feel you are actually riding something rather than silently gliding along. Of course it adds to the safety as folks can hear you..
What a load of "self justifying" old tosh. All you do with illegal exhausts is piss everyone else off and give easy ammunition to the "anti" brigade..

"Loud pipes save lives"... my arse...
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Old 23 November 2005, 09:53   #62
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Originally Posted by Jono
Loud pipes

Originally Posted by Jono
my arse
saim fing

luk arfter numbir wan, downt stepp inn numbir too
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Old 23 November 2005, 11:25   #63
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I duno as bikes have got quieter, more biped homosapions have stepped out in front of me!
Swanley Sub-Aqua Club
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Old 23 November 2005, 17:03   #64
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Originally Posted by Jono
What a load of "self justifying" old tosh. All you do with illegal exhausts is piss everyone else off and give easy ammunition to the "anti" brigade..

"Loud pipes save lives"... my arse...

Funnily enough,when I rode the xt600 and the gpz500 we have as a hack I found I got cut up constantly and car drivers generally acted like their main aim in life was to kill me...but when riding the black bike pictured earlier NO-ONE does it.

Coincidence that the pipes are somewhat loud?

PS I can arrange for a meeting between your arse and an exhaust if you REALLY wish but bring the KY and morphine
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Old 23 November 2005, 17:16   #65
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
Funnily enough,when I rode the xt600 and the gpz500 we have as a hack I found I got cut up constantly and car drivers generally acted like their main aim in life was to kill me...but when riding the black bike pictured earlier NO-ONE does it.

Coincidence that the pipes are somewhat loud?

PS I can arrange for a meeting between your arse and an exhaust if you REALLY wish but bring the KY and morphine
Riding with your headlights on all day reduces your chances of not being seen. Wearing Day-Glo bibs reduces your chance of not being seen. Do you Nobbers with loud exhausts do that too? Don't talk crap about loud pipes being a safety issue if you don't take other precautions too. Try living close to a main road when on any sunny day..tossers with loud pipes generally don't venture out in the wet...and see how much sympathy you have with the feckin "power ranger" twats... who, when pulled over for having illegal pipes, plates and visors complain about police harassment.... and keep your funny little threats to yourself....
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Old 23 November 2005, 18:20   #66
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Originally Posted by Jono
Riding with your headlights on all day reduces your chances of not being seen. Wearing Day-Glo bibs reduces your chance of not being seen. Do you Nobbers with loud exhausts do that too? Don't talk crap about loud pipes being a safety issue if you don't take other precautions too. Try living close to a main road when on any sunny day..tossers with loud pipes generally don't venture out in the wet...and see how much sympathy you have with the feckin "power ranger" twats... who, when pulled over for having illegal pipes, plates and visors complain about police harassment.... and keep your funny little threats to yourself....
What a pile of complete and utter shit. The biggest improvement that can possibly be made in road safety is getting car drivers to open their eyes and actually look at what's going on around them rather than building more and more luxurious cocoons for them to drive and feel like small gods in. No amount of dayglo or headlights will change that-and on a bright sunny day dayglo and headlights are actually detrimental to your chances of being seen-they mask your outline.

Incidentally, I am and will never BE a power ranger twat and I think they bring it on themselves.I also live next to a main road and to be quite honest only an intolerant twat would be pissed off by the noise. I'm more pissed off at the 'power rangers' that ride like twats in residential areas.

Oh btw...that wasn't a threat, it was a JOKE. Are we a little uptight?
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Old 23 November 2005, 19:08   #67
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
The biggest improvement that can possibly be made in road safety is getting car drivers to open their eyes and actually look at what's going on around them rather than building more and more luxurious cocoons for them to drive and feel like small gods in.
Absolutely true...unfortunately the "loud pipes save lives" is shite too... do you really think that a car driver inside a nice sound proof car can hear you, loud pipe or not, over their stereo/mobile phone/kids screaming? Don't make loud pipes a "safety issue" it ain't and never will be.

Originally Posted by Nos4r2
No amount of dayglo or headlights will change that-and on a bright sunny day dayglo and headlights are actually detrimental to your chances of being seen-they mask your outline.
My bike's as black as yours.. matt too... and I dont wear day-glo... my point was don't claim that open pipes are "safer" whilst still taking risks in other areas... visibility/speeding/'s hypocritical
Originally Posted by Nos4r2
Incidentally, I am and will never BE a power ranger twat
Mmm... having seen a picture of yer 'bike I'd kind off gathered that.. that was more aimed at someone else...

Originally Posted by Nos4r2
only an intolerant twat would be pissed off by the noise.
You may enjoy the feckin' banshee wail hour after hour on a Sunday morning, but I can asure you that not everyone shares your attitude and the noise is becoming a big issue in rural villages everywhere... then we all get to suffer from blanket legislation..

Originally Posted by Nos4r2
Oh btw...that wasn't a threat, it was a JOKE. Are we a little uptight?
..or perhaps "We" think your idea of a joke needs some work
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Old 23 November 2005, 19:21   #68
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Bloody 'ell... I actually agree with you on *most* of that!
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Old 23 November 2005, 19:35   #69
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..but I still ain't swapping spit wiv ya.. or havin' yer babies...
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Old 23 November 2005, 19:49   #70
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Originally Posted by Jono
or havin' yer babies...
fuk mee cann yew imajin dat. de orfsprung ov a yewniun beetwean jonow an nozzer

it wud probubly liv in de marriarnas trennch an av wan iye an tentakuls.

luk arfter numbir wan, downt stepp inn numbir too
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Old 23 November 2005, 23:18   #71
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Originally Posted by Jono
What a load of "self justifying" old tosh. All you do with illegal exhausts is piss everyone else off and give easy ammunition to the "anti" brigade..

"Loud pipes save lives"... my arse...
while i agree with some of what you wrote i must say that some of it is bollox and you misrepresented some of what was written. Louder pipes help people to know you are there, you are entitled to your opinion as i am mine and i do have a fair bit of experience of bike(s) over the years (and of course experience is relative) and have found folks in cars and pedestrians and cyclists are generally more aware of you, also i always have yellow headlights on my road bikes as that helps as well. When i used to do dispatching and high milage work, may times in excess of 600 miles a day i always used to wear a yellow vest as anything that helps cars see you is a good thing. I live near a main road and loud noises are frustrating and annoying, being a biker i love the sound of a decent bike but hate the mopeds and idiots terrassing in built up areas. As for speeding i do not condone it at all as the speed limits in built up areas are there for a reason. In the country a different matter when away from towns and villages

if the power ranger comment is aimed at me then fine, personally i am not a fan of matt black bikes but certainly would not be rude to a fellow biker.....perhaps you should not make sweeping assumptions about people you dont know......and i guess you wont want to buy my spare pair of pink leathers!
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Old 24 November 2005, 07:05   #72
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Originally Posted by Hugh Jardon
...i do have a fair bit of experience of bike(s) over the years (and of course experience is relative) and have found folks in cars and pedestrians and cyclists are generally more aware of you, also i always have yellow headlights on my road bikes as that helps as well. When i used to do dispatching and high milage work, may times in excess of 600 miles a day i always used to wear a yellow vest as anything that helps cars see you is a good thing. I live near a main road and loud noises are frustrating and annoying, being a biker i love the sound of a decent bike but hate the mopeds and idiots terrassing in built up areas. As for speeding i do not condone it at all as the speed limits in built up areas are there for a reason. In the country a different matter when away from towns and villages

if the power ranger comment is aimed at me then fine, personally i am not a fan of matt black bikes but certainly would not be rude to a fellow biker.....perhaps you should not make sweeping assumptions about people you dont know......and i guess you wont want to buy my spare pair of pink leathers!
Ah... the experience "card".. yes I've also got nearly 30 years experience....from FS1E through to R1... the most "near misses" I've had when idiots have been coming round bends on the wrong side of the road have all been by tossers on sports bikes riding as though they were on the race track... and as I live on a popular through route to Wales it's every feckin' sunny day when these tossers go through... if you want to ride to a bikes potential.. use track days.. I did... the roads are not the place for race cans on full chat.. or riding like a twat.. funny how you can criticise moped riders for teararsing around and still condone it "in the country".. there are still people on the roads there too... keep yer illegal, loud pipes where they belong on the track.. that's if you can get them past the noise scrutineers.. and stop banging on about safety of loud pipes.. it's just hypocritical... if you want to be safe Ride safely! ..No I don't need your pink leathers... I'm dieting to get back into my Crowtrees.... Ps.. Yellow headlight cover? Don't suppose it has anything to do with the fact that yer bikes yellow..has it?
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Old 24 November 2005, 07:15   #73
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Originally Posted by Hugh Jardon
sweeping assumptions about people you dont know
Sadly, it does happen

......and i guess you wont want to buy my spare pair of pink leathers!
How much Chris?

Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
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Old 24 November 2005, 07:31   #74
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The trouble is, I do know a lot of the "sports bike" fraternity, being a former sports bike owner myself.... they can't help themselves. I love to ride, but the irresponsible behaviour of a few, inevitably with loud pipes, illegal plates and colour-matched leathers are pissing off the public, quite rightly. I can’t remember how many times I’ve been forced to brake by these wankers racing on the road with no regard for other people… the rest of us are going to get hit with more legislation because of these selfish morons… it’s tough enough on a ‘bike as is it is without all this crap…keep the noise and fast riding on the damned track!
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Old 24 November 2005, 07:55   #75
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Just caught up with this thread, I've done the bike thing up until I was in my late twenties ending up with a nutty Marlboro RD500 with a fair bit of off-road stuff inc. a nearly new CR250. As for having one now? No thanks, I, like most of use lead a busy life, my kids and my family are at the right at the top of my priority list. Any leisure time that I might have HAS to include them all. Therefore our time is spent either on the water or in the water with the odd ski holiday. I see these guys that hit 40 get all anxious about it and then in an attempt to rekindle something splash out on a 750 Turbonutter. Ram their paunchy old tums into a red and white set of £1000 a pop Dainese leathers! Then wobble off up the road as their last bike was a CB200 back in 79' As for green laning? There's pretty much nowhere to do it down here, just about all the spare land is owned by the NT. Tearing around the country roads? My sis in law lives in the Elan valley in Wales where the wannabe Valentino Rossi's head. There are enough floral arrangements on the stretch of road in front of her cottage to keep interflora going for months. Personally, I feel that unless a working family guy is awash with spare time, biking is too dangerous and too selfish. If we kill ourselves, it's those that we leave behind that feel the pain. Sorry, but just my opinion.
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Old 24 November 2005, 09:14   #76
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Originally Posted by Mollulnan
..... my kids and my family are at the right at the top of my priority list. Any leisure time that I might have HAS to include them all
Got to admire your family commitment on that one.. personally, I find I need some "me" time when I get stressed out and find that riding my 'bike makes me a better person when I return to my wife and daughter...

Originally Posted by Mollulnan
Ram their paunchy old tums
No argument there....

Originally Posted by Mollulnan
...biking is too dangerous and too selfish. If we kill ourselves, it's those that we leave behind that feel the pain. Sorry, but just my opinion.
I'm inclined to disagree with you here.. riding like a twat is, undeniably dangerous.. as is mountain climbing, skiing, boating... but done sensibly any of these things can be done with reasonable safety. Selfish? Yes maybe, but so are a lot of things we do in life...
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Old 24 November 2005, 10:58   #77
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Got to admire your family commitment on that one.. personally, I find I need some "me" time when I get stressed out and find that riding my 'bike makes me a better person when I return to my wife and daughter...

Poor old Sod............drivelling with self pity- listen to some decent music for a change..... say
Shostakovitch's 4th movement. Put hairs on your chest preferably Neeme Jarvi conducting.Scottosh National Orchestra - Chandos.

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Old 24 November 2005, 11:17   #78
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Less of the "old" you ! Unfortunately my musical tastes are dictated by my poor hearing... rock'n blues all the way...


PS... of course it's "self" pity.. I reserve all my pity, love and sympathy for the most important person in my
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Old 24 November 2005, 11:42   #79
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Originally Posted by Jono

I'm inclined to disagree with you here.. riding like a twat is, undeniably dangerous.. as is mountain climbing, skiing, boating... but done sensibly any of these things can be done with reasonable safety. Selfish? Yes maybe, but so are a lot of things we do in life...

My concern with that one would be- In Cornwall the average age is 64. I see these doddery old dears tootling about mostly unaware of anything that's going on around them. Now, when they drive into my L200, I let loose with a bit if good old Anglo Saxon (to myself), then get it fixed at their expense. When they pull out infront of a bike, you're "Brown Bread"! It happened last year to a couple from Falmouth. He was very experienced and sensible, his wife rarely rode pillion. An old dear pulled out of a garden center without seeing them. Both dead, three orphans. His speed at point of impact was calculated at 26mph.

I agree there is danger in most fun outdoor activities, but in general with skiing, rock climbing etc the risks can be limited with good training, good kit and a sensible approach.

As for "me" time? Get down the pub with a load of salty old mates! You'll soon de-stress. Just try not to kill ya'self tripping over the pavement on the way home!
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Old 24 November 2005, 13:42   #80
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Yes the old people are are REAL danger these days - and there are more and more of them!!!

You rarely used to hear of people driving the wrong way down Motorways - now it is quite common - and it is ALWAYS an old dear!!! Saw a really bad one a few years ago - old codger pulled out of services on the M4 at rush hour - going the wrong way - straight into path of a bloke doing 80 in the outside lane - both killed instantly and M4 shut for 6 hrs!!!

Yesterday alone I saw 3 old people driving worse than any drunk driver I have ever seen. One pulled out straight in front of me and I had to swerve to avoid the silly cow. The second dithered like hell at a busy roundabout and then finally pulled out when there was a car about 10' away - how he missed her I don't know. The 3rd was going around a big roundabout the wrong way - when I beeped my horn and flashed the lights I got the finger as it was obviously all my fault!!!

I really don't think people like this should be on the roads - innocent people WILL get killed. And the old gits always harp on about the "younger drivers"!!!!
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