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Old 30 March 2009, 10:53   #1
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New rules for clampers?

I hope so!
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Old 30 March 2009, 14:58   #2
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Just look at the figures and tell me are all parties the same???

Personally I think they should bring in a law that they should all be executed.

What is really scary is that they can buy all sorts of data off the DVLA and snoop on you themselves. Some of the people involved in the industry are NOT the sort of people you would want to trust with anything. Most of them are crooks - quite literally!!!
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Old 30 March 2009, 15:58   #3
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
Just look at the figures and tell me are all parties the same???

Personally I think they should bring in a law that they should all be executed.

What is really scary is that they can buy all sorts of data off the DVLA and snoop on you themselves. Some of the people involved in the industry are NOT the sort of people you would want to trust with anything. Most of them are crooks - quite literally!!!
Back to clamping

No if you park on my land and there is a clearly visible sign asking you not to and warning you as to what happens if you do. Then you park at your risk or park somewhere else.

I don’t see it as being any different to someone parking on your drive or front garden and there are not many who would be happy with that

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Old 30 March 2009, 16:44   #4
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I think individuals should be allowed to clamp - for example if some one parks on YOUR drive you can't do a thing about it.

Also if somone blocks an in use entrance etc and there are clear signs up.

The thing is much of this clamping is done in areas where no obstruction is being caused.

In Swansea the new apartment complex at SA1 opposite the Marina is technically private property even though many main roads run right through it. To park along any of these roads is perfectly safe and causes no obstruction at all and yet they have a private gang of clampers going around clamping cars and towing them away. They are a very nasty looking bunch of rough thugs at that - speak to women like dirt and no respect for anyone.

If you look at where these cars are parked if they are not obstructing by day how are they at night???
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Old 30 March 2009, 16:47   #5
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Originally Posted by bedajim View Post
Back to clamping

No if you park on my land and there is a clearly visible sign asking you not to and warning you as to what happens if you do. Then you park at your risk or park somewhere else.

I don’t see it as being any different to someone parking on your drive or front garden and there are not many who would be happy with that

You probably wouldn't be saying that if you like me had accidently parked on a private road, which was marked but we didn't notice, got clamped at 11:00pm at night and had to pay £465 to have my car released, which included a towing away fee even though I was present.

The thing is that most people park accidentally and charging people £465 for their mistake is clearly immoral and should be banned.

Theiving Bastards.
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Old 30 March 2009, 16:49   #6
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and by the way there wasn't a residents car to be seen. Street was empty (apart from my Friend who had assured me of plenty of parking and also got clamped).
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Old 30 March 2009, 16:49   #7
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Originally Posted by Rich L View Post
You probably wouldn't be saying that if you like me had accidently parked on a private road, which was marked but we didn't notice, got clamped at 11:00pm at night and had to pay £465 to have my car released, which included a towing away fee even though I was present.

The thing is that most people park accidentally and charging people £465 for their mistake is clearly immoral and should be banned.

Theiving Bastards.
Yes just like I have posted above.

I learnt a long time ago not to look at the world in black and white - it's a big mass of grey!!!
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Old 31 March 2009, 02:39   #8
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Originally Posted by Rich L View Post
You probably wouldn't be saying that if you like me had accidently parked on a private road, which was marked but we didn't notice, got clamped at 11:00pm at night and had to pay £465 to have my car released, which included a towing away fee even though I was present.

The thing is that most people park accidentally and charging people £465 for their mistake is clearly immoral and should be banned.

Theiving Bastards.
I agree that £465.00 is immoral and there are some cowboys, but you have to see it from the land owners point to and after a while you get totally fecked off with people parking on your yard etc always by accident and they never see the signs, they are often not the sort of people who would move if your granny asked nicely some even bring their caravans with them.

We don't use clampers or charge fines, but do have a 7.5 tonne fork truck
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