12 December 2010, 22:01
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Recommend some All Terrain tyres?
As per title, want to put a set of AT's on some spare rims (16 inch) I have for the Grand Cherokee...for mud (and snow) work.
Any suggestions re brand etc?....Don't want to spend a fortune as they will be used relatively infrequently.
13 December 2010, 06:51
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Seems to offer quite a range there .. but doesent have any stock ! A lot of these off road tyres are remoulds, but you wont be doing crazy road speeds anyway due to the noise, and possible balance problems.
13 December 2010, 10:43
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I've got BF Goodrich MT's on the Disco, although not AT's they're quiet on the road and do the job in the mud and snow without having an agressive tread pattern.
I've been looking at Insa Turbos for when they need replacing, will be going for the Dakars.
I would replace them with more BF's but I slashed a sidewall on one of them so can't justify the extra cost, may as well slash a cheap one rather than a BF.
13 December 2010, 11:02
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I have been running a set of Lassa MTs on the Defender for four years. A friend recently put the "Competus" AT version on his LWB Trooper and finds them to be OK. They are a cheap Turkish tyre but I have found them to be very tough and my MTs have performed surprising well in the snow.
I think for your application, the "Competus" would be good.
There is some info here
13 December 2010, 16:15
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Your mileage will be extremely low the remoulds or cheap tyres would be the better choice.
Hadn't seen Lassa before seems to be a joint venture with Bridgestone so quality should be ok.
New boat is here, very happy!
13 December 2010, 18:11
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Kuhmo KL71 the best mud terrain, the end.
13 December 2010, 18:29
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I'm using Runway A/T's on mine all year round, but they are pretty damn good in snow, and OK in mud. Cheap, last forever, not particularly noisy on the road and their road manners are pretty good for what they are.
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13 December 2010, 18:41
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I buy my tires from this company. Good prices!
13 December 2010, 19:04
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Toyo ATs. Got 'em on the L200 and they'll be going on the D3 soon. Excellent.
BFGs ,Big Friendly Giants have shot up recently.
14 December 2010, 11:06
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Originally Posted by br1anuk
Kuhmo KL71 the best mud terrain, the end.
I've just got a set of them for the Jeep, but I have yet to test them in anger. They're definitely not an AT, but do seem to be less bad on the road than the Goodyear MT/Rs that I took off.
14 December 2010, 21:17
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Thanks for all the replies, really helpful, as ever.....
Now, I know it's not what i asked for in the OP, but i am leaning towards a more off road bias (mud) tyre, having seen the suggestions....they will, after all, be a spare set for specific mud use (plus I like the look of the big nobbly ones  )
The tyres we are currently running work pretty well with soft sand (albeit run a little deflated then pumped up again before hitting the tarmac), so MT's would be good for the spare Rims....v limited road mileage.
Short list is:
Kumho KL71
lassa MT's (found a linky to Lassa MT as per Willks post)
Insa turbo (Dakars) as per Chewy and Kernows posts
As a good West Walian, price will play a significant role in the decision from herein
14 December 2010, 23:38
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For an AT I would have the General Grabber AT2 every time though the BFG AT is also a favourite.
For an MT I like the old pattern BFG MT KM2 but these are no longer available, not tried the new MT2 yet but its effin expensive!
Hankook RT03 are also worth a look and we've just started importing a new one called the GT Adventuro MT which looks to be pretty good as well, thinking about getting a set for myself for the 110. KL71s are a good tyre and we sell loads of them at work (or rather we would if they hadn't been on back order in the main size for about six months) but they do wear fairly quickly.
Don't underestimate the horribleness of some of the remoulds on the road, I had a set of Simex-copies (Insa Turbo special track) on the 110 but I sold them because they were awful things, sounded like a Stuka and wandered all over the road. I expected them to be bad but not that bad.
For a really hairy @rsed MT the Maxxis Mudzilla is awesome off road, also got a set of those
I think I am collecting too many tyres as I will shortly have four sets for the 110 which is probably silly
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15 December 2010, 06:20
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Originally Posted by BogMonster
Don't underestimate the horribleness of some of the remoulds on the road, I had a set of Simex-copies (Insa Turbo special track) on the 110 but I sold them because they were awful things, sounded like a Stuka and wandered all over the road. I expected them to be bad but not that bad.
I had a set of them too, bloody horrible.
Have used other remoulds that have been fine though.
15 December 2010, 12:12
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I used to run Bridgestone ATs (not the usual HTs) on my Shogun with 16’ wheels and they were a great compromise of low road noise with good grip in snow, mud, and on wet grass and slipways.
The Discovery 3 I have now has 19’ wheels which also need extra load tyres because the D3 is a lardy bugger. I was disappointed I couldn’t get Bridgestone ATs in the correct size.
I’ve put a set of General Tire ATs on it now, which were only released a couple of months back.
So far they have proved very good in all the situations above, but I had to take a deep breath when it was time to pay for them.
19 December 2010, 10:14
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What about if you had a spare set of rims just for snow? Can anyone recommend a tyre thats no compromise on grip, ie don't care about noise, road handling, just for doing 20-30 mph on snow covered tarmac?
19 December 2010, 11:03
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Originally Posted by martini
What about if you had a spare set of rims just for snow? Can anyone recommend a tyre thats no compromise on grip, ie don't care about noise, road handling, just for doing 20-30 mph on snow covered tarmac?
Colway Formula, Cheap as....
19 December 2010, 12:08
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Originally Posted by Mollers
Colway Formula, Cheap as.... 
You're a bit quiet these days, how's the arm?
19 December 2010, 12:24
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by martini
You're a bit quiet these days, how's the arm?
Bin busy flogging dehumes and industrial heaters.  Some going to Guernsey next week. Any recommends on carriage?
The arm looks shit, but beginning to work now thanks.
19 December 2010, 12:48
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Originally Posted by Mollers
Bin busy flogging dehumes and industrial heaters.  Some going to Guernsey next week. Any recommends on carriage?
The arm looks shit, but beginning to work now thanks. 
I did a similar thing a couple of years ago, my whole arm went black!
Condor ferries from Portsmouth or Huelin Renouf shipping from Southampton, but use a different courier to deliver to them, eg Codders would be your best bet I think
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