28 March 2006, 20:58
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Originally Posted by Jimbo
Not yet, I'm too busy putting hot water into the Horlicks. Have to be careful though, because too much and it all spills when I'm using the stairlift...
You be careful with that Stannah, they can be quite a white knuckle rude....
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28 March 2006, 21:00
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
or the b-road round here that happened to pass the local MP's mother's house who kept complaining about road noise...It's dropped from NSL to 30...
Codders limit, ok. This one I disregard however. The road used to be derestricted, there used to be fewer cars on the roads. More cars = more noise. Solutions: plant more trees, or lower the speed limit. The road outside my house in Kent has dropped from 60 to 40, as the increase in noise from the increased traffic was unbearable. The traffic was not there when my parents bought the house 25 years ago. I think that's a valid reason to lower a speed limit.
Just my view, and I'm damn sure others won't agree!!
28 March 2006, 21:03
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Originally Posted by Hightower
We've all sped at some time, and will do so in the future. Accident....Fair cop! Deliberate.....W*n*er!
I don't think there is anything accidental about any of the speeding mentioned in this thread - I think most forum members that have admitted to speeding (Bob included) knew exactly what they were doing!
Originally Posted by Hightower
Take the wrap and learn from it!
Agreed! Worked for me...
28 March 2006, 21:06
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Surely you haven't all forgotten what it was like to be 19?!?
It's easy to point the finger at younger drivers but the law was a lot more forgiving when we were that age... no camera's, higher speed limits and you'd have to get 12 points before you were banned, not 6!!!
My license was clean for 19 years until a hiden camera caught me on my bike last year and I went from having a clean license to half way to a ban in one brief journey - it's very hard to constantly stick to 30mph on a bike designed to go in excess of 165mph  (this being the main reason she's up for sale  )
I, like everyone else, get p*ssed off when a boy racer hammers past me at 70mph in a 30 limit but if Bob was only going 45mph or so then as an inexperienced driver I think he should be given the benifit of the doubt and let his old man take the points (provided he doesn't have any of his own of course  ). As others here have previously said, as long as someone owns up and pays I'm sure it won't be questioned.
28 March 2006, 21:11
RIBnet admin team
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As an inexperienced driver he shouldn't be doing 45 in a 30-ANYONE doing that speed in a 30 limit is a fkn liability but an inexperienced driver doing it is a bigger one.
That B-road btw, the damn woman moved in and then decided she didn't like the noise-it's the only house for about a mile and the road is nearly always empty......just goes to show, it's not what you know...
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28 March 2006, 22:36
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just one query!! Why do we manufacture cars to break the speed limits?? I drive an m3 with 320 bhp as standard it has a cut out at 155 (found that out on a track of course!!!) why dont we manufacture cars that do a limit of 70mph?? and capable of towing our toys!!! (oh and those wonderfull caravans!!) have a cracking gadget which u set to the speed limit of the road as soon as you hit it it makes a huge annoying beeping noise but hey it works!! need a button like the f1 cars have in the pits one for 20, 30, 40,50,60,70 would be a kool steering wheel then!!
28 March 2006, 22:44
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Ah this reminds me why we RIB ..... open sea, no speed limits!!
Bob ... shit happens, you prob deserve it!
28 March 2006, 22:51
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Just watched CSI Miami that Rocket Propelled Grenade launcher wow  if only there was an open season on caravans , I could make Cornwall worth livin in again.
I have had a chuckle here tonight
first the thread about 4WD and all the justification for owning them
Then in this thread all the bolockings for doing over 30 and keeping the children safe .
So a 4 wd should be doing 20mph where other cars can do 30 fair enough .
Hey don't mind me I ride an Aprilia 1000 so they all hate me .
29 March 2006, 03:31
RIBnet admin team
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hehehehe.....It's always open season on caravans
I found the best weapon to use against them is a fully loaded skip lorry-they barely slow down on the way through...
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29 March 2006, 06:11
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Tim, the question to ask Bob is...
Is he an adult or a child?
Go figure.
29 March 2006, 10:02
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MadMat: Yes there are two massive signs on this road with 30mph on them. He had just joined the road so missed them. Fair enough there are some regular sized 30mph signs on the road. He admits he wasn't paying enough attention to the road. He assumed (very stupidly) that being a dual carriageway (not a small road through a built up area) that the limit was higher than 30. At the time he was doing about 50mph.
Nasher: He did not "steam" past loads of other cars. From memory the road was pretty much deserted. This was at 10.01 in the morning and the weather was good. I don't think making a mistake and getting a speeding ticket means that he should not be on the road.
Codders: I agree with you about this speed limit being there to catch more people. I realise speed limits are there for a reason, but I can't can't see the point in this one. As Jimbo said this is a large road, with a central reservation and is not surrounded by loads of houses. If a child runs into this road then what the hell was it doing playing near a dual caraigeway.
Richard: Bob is a child, that is why is was driving through Southampton. Becasue he's young he was probably drunk as well, and wasn't wearing a seatbelt
Attached is a photo. If I recall the camera is somewhere near the red circle. Judge for your self....
29 March 2006, 10:08
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Doesn't look like a dual carriageway to me?
29 March 2006, 10:14
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I think it is. I might possibly have got the wrong bit of road. Jimbo should know.....
29 March 2006, 10:30
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I know that road well and it used to be 50mph nearly all the way from Bitterne to Northam, it is still duel carriageway, Armcoed and pedestrian separated and it has high speed partially banked corners I can understand why anyone would miss read the conditions and feel it was a faster road.
I strongly believe that road design is the only way to limit speed and I don’t mean sleeping policemen. Narrow bendy roads naturally limit speed as do things like cobbles and gravel.
In parts of Germany a lot of village centres are cobbled while the ring roads is tarmaced so you choose, go through the middle slowly or around the out side faster.
To build fast flat roads and expect people to drive slowly is mad. A good example of this is the road through the Forest to Godshill, it used to be a bumpy single track with passing places, it was rebuilt to a single carriageway with flat smooth tarmac and no one could understand why everyone was doing 80 along it  had they left it alone it would have naturally controlled speed  Des
29 March 2006, 10:33
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Originally Posted by Tim M
Richard: Bob is a child, that is why is was driving through Southampton. Becasue he's young he was probably drunk as well, and wasn't wearing a seatbelt
If Bob is an adult, he will take responsibility for his actions and accept the points & fine; if he is a child he will seek to shift the responsibility to someone else.
Tim, I think you might mean this stretch of road:
29 March 2006, 10:49
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I think it is about time the traffic designers realised that cars have advanced slightly in the last 100 years!!!
Also the way they harp on about speed is really sickening - maybe if they sorted out the roads it would be safer to go faster!!!
Has anyone noticed how they are quick enough to put up speed humps and yet they wont resurface a road?
And talking or road surfaces I wonder how many people have noticed the new trend to put concrete sections at traffic lights - junctions - bends etc. Anyone know why? Anyone even thought about it?
Basically a few years ago a new European standard for tarmac was adopted - much smoother than the UK norm - great in Spain or Greece - bloody dangerous in the UK. So slippery they have to compensate by putting in these expensive new concrete sections!!!
The biggest safety invention of them all is porus tarmac - anyone who has driven on this stuff on certain trial sections of the M4 will know what I mean. Pouring with rain - spray everywhere - then all of a sudden it is like it has stopped raining - no standing water - brilliant!!! Also happens to be far quieter which is great for people living by noisy roads. Why don't they use it? They say it is too expensive - and yet speed humps cost about £30,000 EACH!!!
29 March 2006, 10:50
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laser detectors
The police are now using laser speed cameras instead of easily detectable radar detectors.
Good news, laser speed camera jammers already emerging on market
Bad news, a friend who makes portable speed cameras is already testing a laser jammer detector for the police so they can ban them and enforce such a ban.
He is a good bloke really but I do sometimes wonder if he has any morals.
29 March 2006, 11:01
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think bob, means this section of road, on an uphill down hill section where there is a cemera either side of the road.
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29 March 2006, 11:41
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Originally Posted by Phill27
why dont we manufacture cars that do a limit of 70mph?? and capable of towing our toys!!!
because few people would buy one!
The limiter in an M3 will let you go up past 155 to about 170 then gradually reduce you back to 155 - I'm sure 170 will be ample for you.. I paid to remove this limiter on my M3, but there isnt really any need unless you're planning to bomb down the autobahn at mach1
29 March 2006, 11:50
Country: France
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If Bob is an adult, he will take responsibility for his actions and accept the points & fine; if he is a child he will seek to shift the responsibility to someone else.
He's definatly a child then.
Laser (Rich) is correct; that is where it is.
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