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Old 20 January 2009, 13:49   #1
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Watch out new insurance law

Yet another disgrace from our control freak government.

As if SORN wasn't bad enough they are now going to make it compulsory to notify them if your car isn't insured - even if it is in bits inside your own garage!!!

You will get a £100 fine and could even have your car seized!!!

Imagine - you are working abroad - or just plain forget - you KNOW your car is safe in your garage - your contract is extended so you work on for another 3 months - you come home to find you have been fined for no tax or insurance even though the car is on blocks in your own garage on your private property!!!

When will this government stop???
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Old 20 January 2009, 14:40   #2
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hang on Codders !

Quote from the article itself....."The new offence of keeping an uninsured car will not apply to any motorist who has filled out a form - known as a Statutory Off Road Notification - confirming that the vehicle is not being driven."

This is aimed at the b******s who drive round uninsured , killing innocent folk and costing every honest motorist at least £30 a year on their premium !

It might just be that this one makes sense
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Old 20 January 2009, 14:56   #3
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Originally Posted by Bern Hanreck View Post
Quote from the article itself....."The new offence of keeping an uninsured car will not apply to any motorist who has filled out a form - known as a Statutory Off Road Notification - confirming that the vehicle is not being driven."

This is aimed at the b******s who drive round uninsured , killing innocent folk and costing every honest motorist at least £30 a year on their premium !

It might just be that this one makes sense
No sense at all.

Those that drive around uninsured aren't stupid enough to register vehicles in their own names. It'll achieve very little apart from demonising those who are trying to obey the law. As usual, those who are deliberately breaking it have been left a nice easy way to get around it.
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Old 20 January 2009, 15:09   #4
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That's very true Nos but you also have the people who's insurance is up for renewal Just at the right time when they can't afford it. But decide to keep on driving.
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Old 20 January 2009, 15:10   #5
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I think that what Nos says used to be very true , but there's a much greater risk nowadays ( certainly around London ) of being pulled up on the road because of automatic reg. no. recognition . Of course if the car has false / cloned plates..........
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Old 20 January 2009, 15:14   #6
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Originally Posted by Bern Hanreck View Post
I think that what Nos says used to be very true , but there's a much greater risk nowadays ( certainly around London ) of being pulled up on the road because of automatic reg. no. recognition . Of course if the car has false / cloned plates..........
YEs, but those doing it don't really care. They just get banned on non-existent licences.
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Old 20 January 2009, 15:17   #7
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2 View Post
YEs, but those doing it don't really care. They just get banned on non-existent licences.
Yeah Got hit by one a couple of years ago Very bad time.
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Old 20 January 2009, 15:37   #8
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and i suppose that the goverment getting 5% of every policy sold might have something to do with it to
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Old 20 January 2009, 16:59   #9
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
Yet another disgrace from our control freak government.

As if SORN wasn't bad enough they are now going to make it compulsory to notify them if your car isn't insured - even if it is in bits inside your own garage!!!

You will get a £100 fine and could even have your car seized!!!

Imagine - you are working abroad - or just plain forget - you KNOW your car is safe in your garage - your contract is extended so you work on for another 3 months - you come home to find you have been fined for no tax or insurance even though the car is on blocks in your own garage on your private property!!!

When will this government stop???
Don't understand why this upsets you. Surely any legislation that gets uninsured cars off the road is a good thing.

I currently have 2 vehicles that are sorn, so this wouldn't effect me. If I had a car on blocks in my garage, then I'd sorn that one as well.

If I was working abroad, and had my contract extended by 3 months, I'd either sorn that one as well, or I'd renew the insurance when it was due. Most companies e mail you when it's due, so what is the problem.
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Old 20 January 2009, 17:05   #10
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Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler View Post
Don't understand why this upsets you. Surely any legislation that gets uninsured cars off the road is a good thing.

I currently have 2 vehicles that are sorn, so this wouldn't effect me. If I had a car on blocks in my garage, then I'd sorn that one as well.

If I was working abroad, and had my contract extended by 3 months, I'd either sorn that one as well, or I'd renew the insurance when it was due. Most companies e mail you when it's due, so what is the problem.
The problm is, DVLA are very lax about sending out SORN reminders. They seem to prefer to send out on the spot fines instead,a month after the SORN expires. It's not like you've got a 'sorn disc' as a reminder.
We got caught by this one early last year on a bike that's been being rebuilt slowly over the past 2 years.Instant £80 fine, they say they don't have a legal duty to remind you so sod you, we want your money. Wait til DVLA start automatically adding points.

Could someone explain to me exactly how a SORN declaration or an automatic no insurance fine stops people using an uninsured car on the road? It's as much bullcrap as the ID card fiasco-is carrying a small card going to make someone less likely to blow themselves up?
Nothing at any point prevents someone from opening the car door, turning the key and driving away. Until there's a big enough deterrent (eg 2 months automatic prison sentence) then it will make no odds.
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Old 20 January 2009, 17:09   #11
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Fortunately this will make very little difference to any of us, we all(i hope) have vehicles that are either taxed motd and insured, or SORNed.
But unfortunately it will make even less difference to the sort of people that drive around uninsured.
What can the government do to punish people that have very little to lose?
for most of us a ban or court apperance would be a right pain, but if you have no money and no licence????
Bring back the village stocks....... come to think of it the gallows too
I am gonna shut up now before i get too extreme.
I am usually not as green as i am cabbage looking.
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Old 20 January 2009, 17:11   #12
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2 View Post
The problm is, DVLA are very lax about sending out SORN reminders. They seem to prefer to send out on the spot fines instead,a month after the SORN expires. It's not like you've got a 'sorn disc' as a reminder.
We got caught by this one early last year. Wait til DVLA start automatically adding points....

Says who, I've never had a late reminder from them, and I dont need a "sorn disc" as I do it by internet, and put a reminder in my diary in Outlook, with a 2week reminder. It's hardly rocket science.

Seems to me some of you just like to bitch about anything.
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Old 20 January 2009, 17:14   #13
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2 View Post
The problm is, DVLA are very lax about sending out SORN reminders. They seem to prefer to send out on the spot fines instead,a month after the SORN expires. It's not like you've got a 'sorn disc' as a reminder.
Ha Ha Ha .......I got an £80 fine for failing to WAS TAXED at the time. wasnt a problem once they double checked and i sent a scan of tha taxdisc to them, but i shouldnt have had to do it, it was inconvienent,

You would have thought they would double check, surely their records would show MOT and Insurance? did they think i was evading tax to the princley sum of £0.00(Historic vehicle)
I am usually not as green as i am cabbage looking.
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Old 20 January 2009, 17:16   #14
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Originally Posted by Bern Hanreck View Post
Quote from the article itself....."The new offence of keeping an uninsured car will not apply to any motorist who has filled out a form - known as a Statutory Off Road Notification - confirming that the vehicle is not being driven."

This is aimed at the b******s who drive round uninsured , killing innocent folk and costing every honest motorist at least £30 a year on their premium !

It might just be that this one makes sense

You just don't get it do you? And it seems it's not just you but most of the other comments on here as well.

There are so many cameras around now it is virtually impossible for a NORMAL motorist to drive around without tax or insurance unless you live in the Orkneys or similar. There are cameras on EVERY route away from my house - I couldn't go more than 1 mile without being spotted.

If my car is off the road and on my own property why should I worry about it? Why should I have to fill in yet more stupid pieces of paperwork just to keep yet more civil servants in jobs?

Unisured drivers costing us £30 a year? A drop in the ocean compared to our TAX bills.

My girlfriends brother was fined for not doing a SORN on his car - whilst he was away risking his life with the Royal Marines in Afghanistan - I think he had other things on his mind at the time than worrying about his Pug 406 coupe with a blown engine that couldn't even move!!!

Of course yet another example of people rolling over and accepting any picec of crap they want to throw at us. I used to respect the law but these days you are probably breaking 100 laws a day without even realising it!!!
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Old 20 January 2009, 17:17   #15
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Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler View Post
Says who, I've never had a late reminder from them, and I dont need a "sorn disc" as I do it by internet, and put a reminder in my diary in Outlook, with a 2week reminder. It's hardly rocket science.

Seems to me some of you just like to bitch about anything.
Some of us just aren't perfect like you, but still don't break any laws and resent being penalised for forgetting to tell DVLA we aren't breaking them.
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Old 20 January 2009, 17:18   #16
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Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler View Post
Says who, I've never had a late reminder from them, and I dont need a "sorn disc" as I do it by internet, and put a reminder in my diary in Outlook, with a 2week reminder. It's hardly rocket science.

Seems to me some of you just like to bitch about anything.
What if your old forgetful and dont have internet access or a PC?
then you may rely on the reminder to jog your memory to do it all the old fashioned way.
and yep we do like moaning were allowed to when we get over 35, dont you ever watch grumpy old men? i do and agree with absolutley every point they make, but then i am a miserable basta*%
I am usually not as green as i am cabbage looking.
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Old 20 January 2009, 17:21   #17
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And those quotes supporting this move come from the government and the insurance companies - totally unbiased of course.................
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Old 20 January 2009, 17:25   #18
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2 View Post
Some of us just aren't perfect like you, but still don't break any laws and resent being penalised for forgetting to tell DVLA we aren't breaking them.
I can assure you that I'm far from perfect, but I am quite capable of keeping all my paperwork for motor vehicles in order.
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Old 20 January 2009, 17:28   #19
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
And those quotes supporting this move come from the government and the insurance companies - totally unbiased of course.................
I know exactly where youre coming from, It may seem like a futile attempt to get uninsured drivers off the road, and cause more inconvienence to the law abiding ones than the law breakers, but at least something is being done, it may not be to everyones approval but anything that could potentially save money on our policies has to be a step in the right direction. Ok not a very big one but its a start. I rekon public beating is the answer
I am usually not as green as i am cabbage looking.
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Old 20 January 2009, 17:36   #20
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Originally Posted by doggypaddle View Post
I know exactly where youre coming from, It may seem like a futile attempt to get uninsured drivers off the road, and cause more inconvienence to the law abiding ones than the law breakers, but at least something is being done, it may not be to everyones approval but anything that could potentially save money on our policies has to be a step in the right direction. Ok not a very big one but its a start. I rekon public beating is the answer
Most of the people driving without insurance are also driving around on false plates or in foreign cars that don't get caught anyway - this move will do NOTHING to stop it!!!
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