Originally Posted by wiLlfish
norr mee
i wudunt biy enyfink ofn a nobbur wot wares a strypey shert
Originally Posted by wiLlfish
i avunt gott eny $$
Are you a little hairy troll? Do you get commonly referred to as "troll" by your family and so called friends?
You just said you don't have money but you come on here and post that you wouldn't buy my stuff because I am new? You need to buy a clue and some common sense!
So let me get this straight, you come on to other people's threads and make juvenile comments to make yourself feel better? I can almost guarantee that you are a little hairy troll with hair on the palm of your hands too.
Please stay on the other side of the pond as America has much too high of standards to accept folks like you.
Now please go troll on someone else's thread. If I were the mods or admin on here I would make rules against ignorant folks like you making meaningless comments like this!
I am truly disappointed that I have invested any of my time with you and will no longer respond to comments like this.