Zodiac SRA 750 round collar $95,000
Length: 24 ft
Beam: 9 ft
Engines: 2015 Evinrude 300hp G2 100 hours
Fuel: Twin 66 gallon Tanks
Raymarine E125W 12 inch display with down scan transducer and thru hull transducer
Aluminum wide console
24" HD Radome, GPS and Ray 55 VHF
Zodiac MilPro Shock mitigating Seats (4)
Radar Arch, bow post, tow post, rope guard
Bow Box
CSM 5 chamber Tube w/ IC valves
Bottom Paint
Trailer included
Zodiac Milpro's SEA RIBŪ
are built for
demanding professional and military users and designed
to be strong and reliable.
SRA-750 feature can be fitted with a standard
round collar. The collar is readily removable to provide
easy maintenance.
The SRA-750 aluminium deck integrates deck tracks,
allowing rapid re-configuration to suit the mission.
It is fully versatile and capable multi-role boat that is ease
in all sea conditions.
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