Got the A5 last month and the ridiculous quote from Audi to fit a Westfalia removable towbar £1,600

. Used a mobile firm called Topfit Towbars and Towing who did a great job of keeping the bumper cut small and well under a third of the price from Audi.
Towed the boat twice now with the A5 down to Southampton 250 mile round trip and averaging 22-23 mpg which is the same mpg as my previous A6 2.0TDI. The A5 has obviously harder suspension but actually makes the ride smoother as you don't have the momentum bounces I got in the A5 when you go over a bump in the road. Actually a couple of times found myself driving at my normal sales rep speed as I had forgotten the boat was on the back

Last Sat with the spring tide we got back half an hour before low water (was enjoying the Bournemouth air show too much) the bottom of the slip was a solid green colour!

. Reversed the trailer down the slipway which then attracted the 4X4 spectators grinning thinking they were in for a show! Dumped the trailer in the water and accidentally dropped it off the end of the slip the tide was out that much, having experienced this before at another slip where the A6 sat there spinning as I tried to pull it over the hump without success and had to un hook and get Trevor G to attach his land cruiser to pull it out and start again I was beginning to panic. Anyhow the A5 pulled it over no probs just meant I was more shallow then i like when it came to winching the boat on. I know have the boat on and a few more people are watching with crossed arms, and feeling the pressure selected drive mode (started praying) and the A5 pulled it with hardly any acceleration and didn't even slip once and it was slippery at the bottom. There were a few open mouths with a respectful nod (including me). I felt like a pro for once
For any of you who do a lot of work miles like me who cannot justify the additional fuel costs of a 4X4 (or what your company pays you per mile!) I cannot fault this car one bit so impressed and of course great fun when there is not a boat attached.