Dear Mercury,
I'm writting to congratulate you on the great job you've done on designing the trim motor fittings for your new OptiMAX engine. The clever design and fittings means that a simple replacement job allows us owners to spend 13 hours of our weekend taken up by partially removing the 2.5 litre V6 off the back off our boats on our driveways.
It was a sinch to sqeeze the great big lump of a trim motor, full of water, out of the transom mounts. I was then pleased to see I could have the benefit in paying £600 for another trim motor which was gonna do the same again in 2 years.
Imagine my disapointment when I was forced to buy a cheaper better one from your American colleagues for £200?? Unfortunately the new part although identical to yours was missing a Mercury sticker but I continued undaunted at the thought of lesser standard product!!
4 hours later and a painful bump on my head I was faced with a lesser brand, cheaper and better quality trim motor on my boat.
I'm now looking forward to changing the rubber vibration bushes on the lower leg as you've put captive bolts through them .(Unless I remove the entire lower leg!) OOPPS my angle grinder slipped and I've put them in the wrong way round allowing easy removal.
I'm gutted