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Old 30 June 2011, 10:16   #21
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Originally Posted by akirk View Post
Also - not sure about the suspension on the Discos - I think that it is air suspension like the rangies - if so, make sure that it is locked in normal mode - otherwise it will drop the car still at speed - unless of course they are now intelligent enough to spot a trailer plugged in!!!

I believe the D3 does sense a trailer plugged in, though I'm not sure whether it does anything to the suspension when it spots one. I didn't think the D3 dropped the suspension at speed but again I might be wrong. As far as the tongue weight goes - it would drop the rear of the vehicle with the weight so the air suspension system would automatically pump up to compensate.

Due to a lack of regulation round here people due some incredibly stupid things with trailers, fortunately not at high road speeds as the max speed limit here is 40mph. The classic cockup is to take a big twin axle Ifor Williams trailer or horsebox which needs the correct hitch height and then put it on a ball hitch mounted on a Defender rear crossmember (about a foot too high!) and then horribly overload the trailer/horsebox - a dozen drums of fuel are a good one. The front axle of the trailer is usually off the ground when empty so then load it up and the back end of the vehicle ends up on the bump stops and the front wheels are floating but amazingly some people are mad enough to drive it like that!!
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Old 30 June 2011, 10:36   #22
Country: UK - England
Town: Cotswolds
Make: Avon SR4
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Posts: 118
looks as though it is not the same as the rangie:
DISCO3.CO.UK - View topic - Air suspension on motorway
it auto lowers at over 100mph that should be fun with the rib on the back!!!

nothing wrong with overloading I had nearly a tonne of gravel in the boot of the last rangie - 2 wheel drive - but difficult to steer

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