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Old 17 April 2013, 21:57   #1
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bradley 2000 hitch

I've got one of the above on my trailer.

Whilst fannying around with my RIB today (For some unknown reason) I decided to pull the handbrake lever up (the only other time I ever used the handbrake was when the trailer was new 5 years ago).

I expected a quick upwards movement for a couple of inches then for the handbrake to slow and rise on the damper. Well this didn't happen and it moved so fast I nearly broke my bloody thumb

Is my damper fooked or does it need to be adjusted? Trailer brakes seem to work when it's being towed.

Anyone suggest how to set this type of hitch up?

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Old 17 April 2013, 22:59   #2
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Sounds about the same as mine. I have a Degraff too and it has always been that way. It comes to rest about 10-15 degrees past vertical and it is a little dangerous if you aren't expecting it. It moves through about 90 degrees from off to on.
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Old 17 April 2013, 23:32   #3
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Had these hitches on the last couple of trailers I have owned and they can be nasty if your not prepared for it. I think you will find the damper you mentioned is actually just a spring to bring the emergency brake on if hitch fails, if not both of mine have been knackered.
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Old 17 April 2013, 23:37   #4
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Mine's the same on both my Bradley hitches.
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Old 18 April 2013, 08:31   #5
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Fair enough! Thanks for the reassurance. It did used to damp from just under 45 degrees when I first got it but obviously something has changed.

Looking at by bruised thumb I'll just have to be careful in the future.

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Old 18 April 2013, 08:35   #6
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It happens due to the brake cables being slightly stretched, which means the handbrake has little/no resistance as it springs up.

I had one last year that was stuck down, so stood with one leg either side so I could give it a good tug. When it spring up I was in pain for days! Will not be doing that again!
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Old 18 April 2013, 08:52   #7
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Originally Posted by Hightower View Post
I've got one of the above on my trailer.

Whilst fannying around with my RIB today (For some unknown reason) I decided to pull the handbrake lever up (the only other time I ever used the handbrake was when the trailer was new 5 years ago).

I expected a quick upwards movement for a couple of inches then for the handbrake to slow and rise on the damper. Well this didn't happen and it moved so fast I nearly broke my bloody thumb

Is my damper fooked or does it need to be adjusted? Trailer brakes seem to work when it's being towed.

Anyone suggest how to set this type of hitch up?
I've got the same hitch bradley 2000 &the hand brake does the same I put a new spring on not long ago it's just shows the hand brake is working good nothing to do with the damper you're damper only come in use when the hitch is on the tow ball if you're getting a thump when you brake with the trailer on the car the the damper will be knackered
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Old 18 April 2013, 08:54   #8
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Originally Posted by SW RIB Charter View Post
It happens due to the brake cables being slightly stretched, which means the handbrake has little/no resistance as it springs up.

I had one last year that was stuck down, so stood with one leg either side so I could give it a good tug. When it spring up I was in pain for days! Will not be doing that again!

Now that made me chuckle
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Old 18 April 2013, 09:08   #9
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Originally Posted by Nick Hearne View Post

Now that made me chuckle
Brought tears to the eye's Luckily my draw bar isn't long enough to straddle

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Old 18 April 2013, 11:39   #10
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I expected a quick upwards movement for a couple of inches then for the handbrake to slow and rise on the damper. Well this didn't happen and it moved so fast I nearly broke my bloody thumb

I had a mate who literally broke his arm operating one of these levers and was off work for months
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Old 18 April 2013, 12:40   #11
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I have a bradley / Alko combnination, and the "double dunt" on the handbrake puzzled me for the first couple of times.... then I read the instructions!

This is how mine works, but the theory applies to them all:

The initial rise just tensions the gubbins in the drum - there is an over centre cam , because the hitch will only apply the brakes in forwards (due to the "sliding" shoe in the hub) - the hitch has an end stop roughly equal to the end of the "fast" bit of the handbrake. At that point it's simply tensioning everything up & applying the fixed shoes- hence the rapid rise with spring. There is an over centre cam that will allow the lever to go even further - this takes up the slack created when the trailer rolls backwards abd basically overrides the auto reverse. if, however it's moving (even slightly) as you pull it, the revere shoes never grip so it goes all the way, assisted by a big old spring....

I have to unhitch on a downhill t get it back in the garage. If I don't get out, put the brake on, then rol lthe car back 4" I canlt lift the hitch off the ball due to the weight. When / if I do, it rolls back about 4" before the lever springs up & it stops.

Not maybe one of my better techy explaations, but hope it helps understand what's going on in there......
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