15 February 2010, 08:16
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Bunk or Rollers?
I have a 5.5m Rib. I currently have a roller trailer that I am not really happy with, so I am thinking of changing it. My other boat sits happily on a Bunked trailers. So, considerations:
1. Boat will spend most of it's time on the trailer
2. Local slipway is fine for use with a bunk trailer ( other boat used there)
3. Large pickup truck so no issues with putting the trailer into the water if needed.
Suggestions please......
15 February 2010, 08:29
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bunks every time
15 February 2010, 10:50
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Welcome to Ribnet!
I think you just answered your own question!
Personally I'd go roller every time, but that's mostly due to me having to launch / recover mostly single handed on a load of different slips and with a "normal" car to tow it.
If bunks work for you, then bunks it be!
15 February 2010, 11:44
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I like to use rollers as I don't have to put the trailer deep into the sea to either push it off or pull it on with the winch.
It will move either way with not to much effort.
15 February 2010, 13:27
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having used both i would NEVER go back to bunks.
I am usually not as green as i am cabbage looking.
15 February 2010, 14:43
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Originally Posted by Nickgriff
I have a 5.5m Rib. I currently have a roller trailer that I am not really happy with, so I am thinking of changing it. My other boat sits happily on a Bunked trailers. So, considerations:
1. Boat will spend most of it's time on the trailer
2. Local slipway is fine for use with a bunk trailer ( other boat used there)
3. Large pickup truck so no issues with putting the trailer into the water if needed.
Suggestions please......
Welcome- I think you are about to read strong views on both sides for rollers or bunks. I used a bunk trailer for 2 years launching and recovery single handed on a 6.5 and found the system painless. The bunks appear to offer more support to the hull whilst sat on trailer and also whilst being towed. It also allows for the RIB to sit down on carpetted bunks whilst being towed as opposed to rollers which have been known to mark gelcoat.(that came from a gelcoat repairer this week)
I found the recovery with bunks easier as I knew how deep the trailer should be and then as I lined up the boat settled down straight away and only on a very steep ramp did I need to attach the bow trailer winch as a matter of urgency. Rollers will mould to the shape of the hull and should also sit the boat down but there is a slight chance a roller set could be offset and could roll back if you take you eye off the ball. I no longer have bunk trailers but rollers but in summary I seldom use them now as I rely heavily on dry stacks. Personal view only not from any deep trailer knowledge
16 February 2010, 08:24
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As a manufacturer I can say that bunks are better for the hull.
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
16 February 2010, 16:19
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Originally Posted by Cookee
As a manufacturer I can say that bunks are better for the hull.
A much bigger target for Mollers to get his 'through deck' screws into too.
16 February 2010, 16:40
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
A much bigger target for Mollers to get his 'through deck' screws into too. 
I reckon I could find the odd roller now we're in the cordless era.
16 February 2010, 18:01
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You could have both, thats just a conversion kit but they make the trailers for the 'roller ramp' as well.
Mine should be here in a couple of weeks.
16 February 2010, 18:48
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I would have rollers, had bunks found rollers easy if you have to recover by your self also can do a dry recovery just my view
28 February 2010, 19:50
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On a related issue....
If I was thinking about a bunk trailer for my new RIB (assuming I get it...) who makes a decent sized bunk trailer? All the usual suspects seem to have bunk trailers for little toy boats and once you get up to the 5m-6m range it is all rollers. I haven't looked hard - but what's a good bet for a bunk trailer manufacturer for a boat in the 5.5-6m size range?
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...
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28 February 2010, 20:12
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Originally Posted by BogMonster
I haven't looked hard - but what's a good bet for a bunk trailer manufacturer for a boat in the 5.5-6m size range?
I've seen new SBS bunk trailers with keel rollers used for 8m ribs. The lads at Redbay like them. I couldn't find them on the SBS website though.
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Hold Fast down there - those amigos across the water appear to be gettin' fractious
28 February 2010, 22:43
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by BogMonster
what's a good bet for a bunk trailer manufacturer for a boat in the 5.5-6m size range?
CLH trailers, St Clears, Carmarthen.
01 March 2010, 00:36
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had one bunk and two roller trailers. SBS rollers are rubish and always fall off, especially on stepped hulls. current roller trailer is awsome and despite me having dificulty with the u bolt on my boat i frequently get compliments on thats how to do it and how to make it look easy. If ur the sort for waders and winching on get a bunk for additional hull support, if your like me and shivver at prospect of getting your feet wet get a well equipped multi rollered trailer, self centering keel rollers etc and lots of swingy bits. My only minor gripe now is in big waves the odd roller lands on end and i have to refloat, fitted some springy elastic to rectify that...
CONSIDER also a bunk trailer needs lots of water in comparison so if you dont wanna get the car wet or launch on a shallow slip
01 March 2010, 08:46
Country: UK - England
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I have just ordered a Degraaff Trailer. Service if fantastic, also prices are very good! The will supply a Bunk or Roller trailer. I went for the Bunks, 103" long bunks. Pick it up this weekend.
02 March 2010, 07:18
Country: France
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Bunks are fine the only downside is that you need to put the trailer deep into the water. Personally I prefer rollers as the slipways in France aren't steep.
02 March 2010, 07:20
Country: France
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Originally Posted by willk
I've seen new SBS bunk trailers with keel rollers used for 8m ribs. The lads at Redbay like them. I couldn't find them on the SBS website though.
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Hold Fast down there - those amigos across the water appear to be gettin' fractious 
The idea of rollers at the stern works well!!!
08 March 2010, 05:38
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Originally Posted by Nickgriff
I have just ordered a Degraaff Trailer. Service if fantastic, also prices are very good! The will supply a Bunk or Roller trailer. I went for the Bunks, 103" long bunks. Pick it up this weekend.
Have to agree - we were very impressed with them, quality, cost and customer service is excellent - we went with rollers for less water retrieval (read stuck on the beach with no water and the tide a long way out - bloomin glad we had the option to "winch" onto the trailer - we'd have been there all night otherwise  )
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