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Old 28 December 2007, 22:22   #21
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
OTH does that mean that the boat sits higher and therefore you need to submerse the trailer further to get the boat on/off? Might be a consideration for some particularly with shallow angle slips?

Might??? My old SR sat stoopidly high off the road, (couls see under the toobs in my wing mirriors!!) and whilst I could clear all speed humps with ease I can categorically say the steeper the slip was the better! It was a total nightmare to launch, and the hitch would guarantee a bath as well as the bearings! Granted it was a bunk trailer so the "push & roll" didn't apply, but I ain't making that mistake with the new one!!!! (Also sitting lower will make it slightly more stable for towing)
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Old 28 December 2007, 22:33   #22
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Looking at pictures of both the SB1500 and the RC 5 they both look the same height. Both are on 13" wheels with the axle mounted at the same height on the chassis rails. The roller assemblies look similiar off the chassis rails, if anything in the pictures the RC 5 looks higher but there certainly doesn't look much in it if anything.
I am curious now to see them both in the flesh but there really can't be much between them in height unless the pics are pretty inaccurate.
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Old 28 December 2007, 22:55   #23
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Originally Posted by The Grocer View Post
My trailer (none of the above) has this rod arrangement. It sounded like Quasimodo having a bad day until I zip-tied a couple of short sections of pipe lagging to it...
IMO it's a better setup than cable and it's a shame it's not available on more trailers. Rods don't rust inside cable sheaths....
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Old 28 December 2007, 22:55   #24
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There are some pics of the customers boats on de graff's site . Looking at the similar boats to mine on their trailers my boat does sit a little closer to the mudguards . It looks like the curved crossbeam that supports the roller assembly has a greater curve on the indespension also the the draw bar is bent downwards where it meets the trailer chassis .

My trailer is pretty low but never a problem on speedhumps etc . It only just gets in my drive which is steep and has a hump at the top as I go over the pavement . I had to cut the extended pieces of metal off that allow the front keel roller to be raised a few holes .
They are the same axle and wheels so i don't see how actual ground clearance can be any difference . I don't intend going offroading with mine anyway
The only thing I prefer on my trailer is the metal mudguards and steps because you can stand on them other than that its the price that counts most
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Old 28 December 2007, 23:08   #25
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Swings and roundabouts. The de Graaf has plastic mudguards and I bought the bolt on steps. These can be moved around and bolted on anywhere suitable.
Ya pays yer money and takes your choice, I don't think either system is better than the other, both have good and bad points.
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