Dropping a boat off a roller trailer using the bow line
At the moment I have a De Graaff roller trailer and I launch the boat into shallow water by rolling out the winch and then unhooking it from the bow eye.
I'd like to be able to push the boat down the rollers and restrain it using just the bow line and a couple of turns around some sort of fixed capstan fitted onto the trailer as a brake, the idea being that you don't then need to wade out and unhook, which depending on the gradient of the beach can involve nearly getting wet in wellies (and I don't have or want waders). The idea would be it would run down the rollers under control braking it with the bow line on the capstan, boat floats clear of them with the momentum of its movement and then you could flip the rope off the capstan and pull it back in to the beach alongside the trailer. Quicker, cleaner, easier, especially single-handed.
Has anybody ever done anything like this, and what sort of geometry did you use for where the bow line goes on at the trailer end? I'm thinking a slightly capstan-shaped fitting to stop the rope slipping off, and either on the winch post or maybe in front of it.
Thoughts please...
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...
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