Old cup sat on top, to be used as a strike, to knock the new one in straight. Be careful here too! Bearing cups are hard, ergo brittle; smacking them together with too much brute force can cause them to shatter - remember the eye thing from earlier?....
Once the cup is going in straight remove the old one and use the drift to knock the new one fully in to place. You'll be able tell when it's sat on the lip, as it makes a different noise when you strike the drift (less hollow and tinney sound) and the rebound you feel through the hammer is more solid. This is stuff you pick up with experience over the years - you could always just pick the drum up and have a look to see if it's sat on the lip
Race sat in place:
Now you need to pack the bearings. Don't rely on a smear of grease on the cup to do the job. Pick the bearing up and wind the grease in to the bearing itself.
Now put the bearing in to the drum and put the seal in behind it (for the inner bearing):
And the front bearing in too:
You're now ready to re-install drum, re-using the thrust washer and castellated nut, not forgetting to use a new split pin.
Easy as that - happy hunting