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Old 24 April 2009, 20:40   #1
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Hub Puller

Went out last week but when i came home from the marina approx 30 miles
the front hub on our R & M trailer was very very hot
the brakes where sticking and i could nor release them, so i cut the brake cables, i thought that it might be a good idea to replace the bearing
But i cant get the hub off i have tried putting the wheel back on but it wont move.
I then purchsed a hub puller 110 to 115 mm
it is not wide enough needs to be about 125 mm min
but i cant seam to buy one any where
as any body else had this probleam
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Old 25 April 2009, 09:47   #2
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had something v similar a couple of weeks ago.

My fault - I'd got my 'CL' and 'LM' grease mixed up and put the wrong stuff into the hub without noticing, so it pretty much disappeared.

I found that I could 'wobble' the drum, but not get it off by hand.

I also have a puller that was too small, so I just slipped a couple of the wheel nuts back on and tightened them up onto the tips of the puller legs. A bit 'dodgy' but it worked for me, probably because it seemed all that had happened was the inner seal had melted and formed a fair bond with the stub axle. So I didn't really have to put much force onto the puller at all.

If it's something more serious, then this probably wouldn't work without trying something else - maybe putting holes in a couple of bits of 'angle iron' or somesuch and bolting them onto the wheel studs and giving the puller a better grip?

Or find someone with a bigger puller??
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Old 25 April 2009, 11:50   #3
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thi s will do it

Hi I think It's a sealed bearing on your YM so attach the brace accross the wheel bolts an use the slide hammer. To get the hub out then drift out the bearing using something softer than the hub material
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Old 25 April 2009, 13:06   #4
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You lost me
A slide hammer and a brace ?
you need to talk to me as if i where a 9 year old
(a bit like my wife dose)
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Old 26 April 2009, 15:46   #5
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is it that the brake shoes have worn a ridge on the brake drum and thats whats stopping it from comming off ,if it is you might be able back off with the brake adjuster,just a thought ,,
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Old 26 April 2009, 18:32   #6
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if you follow the link the picture show amongst other things a slide hammer(pull hammer) Long thing and a yoke (funny shaped alloy thing i hole in centre, 3 at one end 1 at other end, that I orriginally called a brace).

the youke is fastened to the hub with the wheel nuts and the slide hammer is attached to the yoke. Then the slide hammer is slided awayform the hub with gusto. This pulls the gub off.

Then you have the bearing at your mercy

Mr chappelow makes a very valid point.
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Old 27 April 2009, 11:05   #7
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It might have worn a ridge
but i am unable to tell as the hub wont come off
as i am a bit of a bull in a china shop person
i might just book it in for a service before i brake some thing else
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Old 27 April 2009, 15:57   #8
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If it is the brake shoes having worn a ridge, you need to loosen up the shoes. (Usually, if this is the case, the drum will move slightly, but not come off.)

There should be an oblong hole in the brake backing plate (usually with a rubber plug; I've also seen systems with access holes in the drums themselves) to allow you access to the adjusting star. Pull the plug, stick a screwdriver or similar flat-tipped tool in, and pry up or down repeatedly. If one direction doesn't work, go the other way. If your access is through the drum, you'll need to position it at the star (which is a pain in the butt itself, but the star is usually near the bottom.)

Sample pic here.

One other thing: If the ridge is deep enough to hold the drum on, it's probably time for new parts (drum and shoes at the very least...)

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Old 27 April 2009, 20:08   #9
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Thanks for that ill give a ago
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