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Old 05 May 2011, 22:03   #1
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Is my Trailer legal

I have an un-braked trailer which is probably 10yrs + old

It is in excellent condition, looks professionally built to a high standard but has no manufacturers plate showing model / serial no and max weight. The only clue I have is that the Alco coupling is 750 kg rated.

So as the trailer has no plate is it legal?

I have been using this for several years never exceeding 500kg gross, the tow vehicle is an elderly focus estate gross weight 1,755 kg max tow weight 2,955 kg so I am well within the limits. I have a BE,C1E,D1E licence so no problem there.

I have spoken to a couple of trailer sales / parts people asking this and have had different answers. Some say as the trailer is under 750kg its fine, no plate required, whilst others seem uncertain. Searching the net the nearest to giving an answer is Parkers that say
• Since 1982 all trailers, including un-braked ones, must be clearly marked with their maximum gross weight in kilogrammes.
• Since January 1, 1997, all un-braked trailer plates must show the year of manufacture.

Also as far as I can tell there in nobody I can take it to who will issue me with a plate assuming Parkers are right and it actually needs one.

I was thinking of changing the axel, suspension & wheels and getting the local blacksmith to do a few modifications. Would it be acceptable at this point for me to make my own plate. It seems people self build trailers but as from a previous thread “From October 2011, all trailers must be type approved and comply with EU standards”
and that is likely to put the blocks on that.

Any ideas?

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Old 05 May 2011, 22:34   #2
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Originally Posted by Jon.esp View Post
I have an un-braked trailer which is probably 10yrs + old

It is in excellent condition, looks professionally built to a high standard but has no manufacturers plate showing model / serial no and max weight. The only clue I have is that the Alco coupling is 750 kg rated.

So as the trailer has no plate is it legal?

I have been using this for several years never exceeding 500kg gross, the tow vehicle is an elderly focus estate gross weight 1,755 kg max tow weight 2,955 kg so I am well within the limits. I have a BE,C1E,D1E licence so no problem there.

I have spoken to a couple of trailer sales / parts people asking this and have had different answers. Some say as the trailer is under 750kg its fine, no plate required, whilst others seem uncertain. Searching the net the nearest to giving an answer is Parkers that say
• Since 1982 all trailers, including un-braked ones, must be clearly marked with their maximum gross weight in kilogrammes.
• Since January 1, 1997, all un-braked trailer plates must show the year of manufacture.
Put a plate on it, with a chassis number and a year of manufacture. 1996 sounds favourite
Originally Posted by Jon.esp View Post

Also as far as I can tell there in nobody I can take it to who will issue me with a plate assuming Parkers are right and it actually needs one.

I was thinking of changing the axel, suspension & wheels and getting the local blacksmith to do a few modifications. Would it be acceptable at this point for me to make my own plate. It seems people self build trailers but as from a previous thread “From October 2011, all trailers must be type approved and comply with EU standards”
and that is likely to put the blocks on that.

Any ideas?

Was like that from new officer Type approval only applies to it if it's new.

Yes, I know what I've said is not quite legal-but nobody's ever going to know.
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Old 06 May 2011, 08:43   #3
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if your'e looking at completely road worthy and fit for purpose, i would think 80% of the trailers on the road would be illegal.
sad fact is, if you put it in the sea you'll lose your brake shoes first and then your bearings, usually on the way home, your pads will weld thereselves to the drums, it just goes on, what i'm trying to say is, if it looks ok and you're happy towing it don't worry too much
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Old 06 May 2011, 09:34   #4
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Originally Posted by Jon.esp View Post
I have an un-braked trailer which is probably 10yrs + old

It is in excellent condition, looks professionally built to a high standard but has no manufacturers plate showing model / serial no and max weight. The only clue I have is that the Alco coupling is 750 kg rated.

So as the trailer has no plate is it legal?

I have been using this for several years never exceeding 500kg gross, the tow vehicle is an elderly focus estate gross weight 1,755 kg max tow weight 2,955 kg so I am well within the limits. I have a BE,C1E,D1E licence so no problem there.

I have spoken to a couple of trailer sales / parts people asking this and have had different answers. Some say as the trailer is under 750kg its fine, no plate required, whilst others seem uncertain. Searching the net the nearest to giving an answer is Parkers that say
• Since 1982 all trailers, including un-braked ones, must be clearly marked with their maximum gross weight in kilogrammes.
• Since January 1, 1997, all un-braked trailer plates must show the year of manufacture.

Also as far as I can tell there in nobody I can take it to who will issue me with a plate assuming Parkers are right and it actually needs one.

I was thinking of changing the axel, suspension & wheels and getting the local blacksmith to do a few modifications. Would it be acceptable at this point for me to make my own plate. It seems people self build trailers but as from a previous thread “From October 2011, all trailers must be type approved and comply with EU standards”
and that is likely to put the blocks on that.

Any ideas?


Is Healy Trailers still going in Oakham used to be opposite the BP garage up a drive to his yard, bet he'd have a plate
Or one from Ebay
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Old 06 May 2011, 09:44   #5
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Originally Posted by bedajim View Post
Is Healy Trailers still going in Oakham used to be opposite the BP garage up a drive to his yard, bet he'd have a plate
Or one from Ebay
Letter stamps and a bit of ally works just as well. It's only got to be on there,with the info they want and legible.
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Old 06 May 2011, 20:34   #6
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Healy Trailers

Originally Posted by bedajim View Post
Is Healy Trailers still going in Oakham used to be opposite the BP garage up a drive to his yard, bet he'd have a plate
I think they went into specialised refrigerated equipment and moved. That yard has no sign of them any more, just a few small mews type houses and some lockups.

Thanks for the good idea though

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