02 June 2008, 10:03
Country: UK - England
Town: Macclesfield
Boat name: Aqua Fresh
Make: Zodiac Medline
Length: 5m +
Engine: 60hp Yamaha
MMSI: 235051988
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 333
Near disaster ! should of stayed in bed that day
Were do i start !
hitched up rib on to the car, SBS braked trailer set off as normal for the beach and a day of boating etc , weather good, light winds, sea flat calm, sun shining, picnic packed, kids wife dog all in the car looking good
15 miles later whilst doing about 50 mph BANG ! out goes the offside trailer wheel
managed to keep control pulled in to the side of the road as look would have it i managed to pull in to a petrol station
jumped out of the car and to my horror the $%^$^$& wheel was on fire flames tyre melting the lot
again as look would have it i managed to get a bucket of water over the wheel and hub etc
it looked quite serious at first and after about 10 buckets of water smoke and steam 20 feet high
all ok
but how did this happen
simple school boy error when i hitched up i conected the safety cable for the brakes to the tow bar as normal but the way that i have always done it is to feed though the tow bar frame and the back on to itself
as i left for the beach there are a couple of sharp left hand turns and at this point i belive that the hand brake was pulled on by the safety cable
i have then driven for 15 miles without realising, this i guess this is a down side having a big 4x4 tow car and realatively light trailer and not feeling the extra drag as it was the first time out for about 3 weeks and thought "it felt heavy"
the drums have got that hot that the tyre has combusted whilst traveling at 50mph
the one thing that P&**$d me off the most was that i was in an area (Abersoch) that it survives on boats and holiday makers and only one person offered any help even the petrol station attandant was that thick that he told my boy off for walking accross the forecourt with his mobile phone in his hand (it was actually an iPod) but offered no assistance to the fact that there was a fire going on 10 yards from the pumps i could of understud it if he had ran a mile, but they just kept serving !!
oh well all's well that ends well
or so we thought !!
Stripes, we like stripes just need some stars now !
02 June 2008, 13:58
Country: UK - England
Town: Oldham
Boat name: Aqua Vitae
Make: Ribcraft 4.8
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 75hp
MMSI: 235115057
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 331
Commiserations Andy,
I've had one or two bad days, but nothing quite so serious!
Will it be sorted for this weekend?
A RIB is for life, not just for Christmas.
02 June 2008, 14:07
Country: UK - England
Town: Macclesfield
Boat name: Aqua Fresh
Make: Zodiac Medline
Length: 5m +
Engine: 60hp Yamaha
MMSI: 235051988
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 333
Yes i got the wheel sorted at the side of the road great to carry a spare but the brakes are shot, infact they are being "removed and Bagged" as we speak as the trailer is braked but only rated to 850kg the Rib is well under that so i dont need a braked trailer really the RIBs about 400kg with bits and about 100 for the engine say 150 for the trailer i reckon with a full tank the whole lot weighs less than 700kg
so iam having the hubs replaced at the moment as well as one was shot although it worked it got very hot on a realativly short tow
but all should be done for next weekeds jaunt
Stripes, we like stripes just need some stars now !
02 June 2008, 14:43
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I never trust my handbrake for that reason. I keep it lashed in the off position just to be safe. Never use it anyway; always use chocks.
Best of luck.
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
02 June 2008, 18:15
Country: UK - England
Town: Newcastle Staffs
Boat name: blue it
Make: ribcraft 7.5
Length: 7m +
Engine: suzuki df225
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 507
Andy i rescently did the same as you but both wheels caught fire and we were on the m6. just picked boat up from having covers made, and i can only assume that the ring holding the breakaway cable was snagged.
of we went and i thought the brakes felt a bit stiff, but big 3.7 jeep had no problems pulling it, to this day i dont know why i didnt stop to check.just thought the brakes were binding a bit. towed for 6 mile and just got on the m6 so down went the pedal, and a big artic was frantically flashing from behind.
looked in the mirror and flames were belting out from both wheels. the wheels were cherry red. the lorry driver was tipping his drinking water on the wheels but they kept igniting.Had visions of the tubes melting. luckilly there was a canal runnuing along the motorway, so many trips back and forth with a bucket finnally had the wheels cooling down.A cop car went past but never stopped. but as we made way later on, he pulled me up for going to slow.next day went down to sbs and bought a complete new 1500kg axle.
it was cheaper than buying the seperate drums bearings cables and wheels.
Another check now before starting of is making sure theres plenty of slack on the breakaway cable.
Top banana
02 June 2008, 19:14
Country: UK - England
Town: Enfield/Switzerland
Boat name: Zonneschijn II/Vixen
Make: Shakespeare/Avon
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Posts: 1,436
nearly had a wheel come off on me once, heard a strange noise and pulled in before catastrophy happened, so now look in both mirrors every couple of minutes to check wheels look OK (ie not wobbling)... it's not fun when something like that happens
02 June 2008, 20:47
Country: UK - England
Town: Macclesfield
Boat name: Aqua Fresh
Make: Zodiac Medline
Length: 5m +
Engine: 60hp Yamaha
MMSI: 235051988
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 333
thanks for the comments glad its not just me (well not really glad as its bad )
Top Banana
were you on Porth Dinllian beach yesterday in a yellow Frontera
Cheers Andy
Stripes, we like stripes just need some stars now !
02 June 2008, 21:27
Country: UK - Scotland
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Posts: 1,908
Been behind the club RIB when a wheel launched itself in the trees on the Rest and be Thankful as well as once watching one of the front wheels of my Landrover launching itself into a garden near Shotts, thankfully I was almost stopped at the time as I could feel the vibration and was slowing down as fast as I could....  Came near to losing a wheel once that had cracked 3/4 of the way round the hub, only stopped when I started hearing a clicking noise going round corners as the wheel worked itself back and forth on the remaing little bit still attached. The wheel was nearly brand new as well but at least the manufacturer replaced both of them when I kicked up a fuss. 
Plus the usual stuff like forgetting to put up the jockey, lightboards falling off etc etc.
02 June 2008, 21:46
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Glasgow
Boat name: stramash
Make: Tornado
Length: 5m +
Engine: Etec 90
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Posts: 5,090
Does anyone remember indespension trailer axles, where they were left and right hand threaded  .. showing my age  .. I was a kid at the time  .. but I remember my dads trailer wheels overtaking us on more than one occasion... Hehe    those were the days .. fook the traffic regs.... or public safety .. they didnt seem to care,.. and did it cause a problem .. nah!
02 June 2008, 21:46
Country: UK - England
Town: Reading, Hants
Boat name: Juicy
Make: Sealine F43
Length: 10m +
Engine: 2 x 370hp
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Posts: 2,884
last year i had a wheel bearing fail, the wheel nearly came off but somehow stayed on the axle, however the bearing and components had long since dissappeared. even though the trailer was over 12 months old SBS and Avonride did me proud and provided a complete new 1800kg axle
and the RAC gave me some cash for cocking up the recovery, ie would not come out to start with but after hassel and escalation they realised i was covered.....duuuurrrr
I now have a spare hub and wheel bearings so that any such incident can be remedied in 5 mins
02 June 2008, 21:50
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Aberdeenshire
Boat name: Sula
Make: Ribcraft 4.8m
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 70hp + aux
MMSI: 235087213
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Posts: 4,668
Sounds horrendous. Did anyone have a fire-extinguisher on board their rib - that could be deployed? Most small powder extinguishers will only take a matter of seconds to discharge, but if you don't have ready access to water - you're goosed.
02 June 2008, 21:59
Country: UK - England
Town: Reading, Hants
Boat name: Juicy
Make: Sealine F43
Length: 10m +
Engine: 2 x 370hp
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,884
Originally Posted by spartacus
Sounds horrendous. Did anyone have a fire-extinguisher on board their rib - that could be deployed? Most small powder extinguishers will only take a matter of seconds to discharge, but if you don't have ready access to water - you're goosed.
could always get the traffic to stop and get everyone to Pee on the offending wheel! 
02 June 2008, 22:10
Country: UK - England
Town: Fareham
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Posts: 7,866
Originally Posted by Hugh Jardon
could always get the traffic to stop and get everyone to Pee on the offending wheel!  
I'd rather let the trailer burn than have a bunch of stanger's piss on my wheels
I too had a wheel mishap many years ago, it happened on a bank holiday Monday whilst I was trying to impress a new girlfriend by taking her out for a spin in the boat  .
As luck would have it the wheel didn't fall off, but failed on a main roundabout. I was able to pull into a hotel. I clocked up over a 100 miles that day looking for hub parts to get it home (no breakdown etc). This was in the days when shops weren't open on Sundays and B/H's
Needless to say, it ruined my day.
Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
02 June 2008, 22:27
Country: UK - England
Town: Macclesfield
Boat name: Aqua Fresh
Make: Zodiac Medline
Length: 5m +
Engine: 60hp Yamaha
MMSI: 235051988
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 333
I actually ran round llike a headless chicken for about 30seconds looking for water which was found in a watering can between "pumps 2 and 3"
after it was sorted my wife who remained calm through out "why did'nt you use the fire exstinguisher off the Boat" ?
then again she made another comment about letting it burn
heres a sad picture of the knackerd wheel unable to get pics of the fire as i was busy
Stripes, we like stripes just need some stars now !
03 June 2008, 17:48
Country: UK - England
Town: Newcastle Staffs
Boat name: blue it
Make: ribcraft 7.5
Length: 7m +
Engine: suzuki df225
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 507
Originally Posted by floater
thanks for the comments glad its not just me (well not really glad as its bad )
Top Banana
were you on Porth Dinllian beach yesterday in a yellow Frontera
Cheers Andy
sorry not me,
Top banana
03 June 2008, 17:58
Country: UK - England
Town: Newcastle Staffs
Boat name: blue it
Make: ribcraft 7.5
Length: 7m +
Engine: suzuki df225
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 507
Originally Posted by spartacus
Sounds horrendous. Did anyone have a fire-extinguisher on board their rib - that could be deployed? Most small powder extinguishers will only take a matter of seconds to discharge, but if you don't have ready access to water - you're goosed.
Yes had a fire extinguisher on board. but all the covers were on the boat, and the canal seemed the safer option,as being next to the m6 on a friday night trying to get covers off, is a bit scarry. now carry an extinguisher in the car as well.
Top banana
03 June 2008, 20:12
Country: UK - England
Town: southampton
Boat name: Time Flies
Make: Humber ocean pro 6.3
Length: 6m +
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Posts: 31
2 week ago friday, had friend collect my sea rider at 3pm. got on M27 J2 lots of noise from bearing, got of at J3 straight to solent bearing for repair 5pm both sides replaced. next day the Humber trailer went 100m from calshot act centure, 5mph all the way to the slipway. Dam alco bearings what a bar****d to get off and put back on. took 5 days to repair.
chris p
03 June 2008, 23:40
Country: UK - Scotland
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Posts: 1,908
S'funny you should say that. One of the two main reasons I didn't buy a trailer from Humber when I bought my hull was because of the bearings. Taper bearings aren't perfect but they are easy to change even at the side of the road.
When I arrived with my De Graaf and the guys asked me about it they actually admitted they thought the Brambers were rubbish trailers when I said why I had bought from someone other than them.
18 June 2008, 17:06
Country: UK - England
Town: yorkshire
Boat name: little vicky
Make: avon ex RNLI
Length: 3m +
Engine: tohatsu
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 2,310
had the jocky wheel drop down and dident know about it and that burst into flames no damage only my pride .
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