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Old 01 April 2011, 08:36   #1
boristhebold's Avatar
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Quick Survey

Im thinking of selling my twin axle trailer as I don't seem to ever use it and it's taking up room on my drive. I would be interested to hear from others if they have had the same thoughts and whether they did indeed sell their trailers or if they kept them why did they decide to keep them.

This would only apply to those who keep their Ribs in a Marina or on a mooring and don't tend to use their trailers. I haven't used mine for over a year and can't see when I would next use it for the following reasons;

1. My Rib is in a dry stack
2. If ever I want to do work on my Rib the dry stack simple put it on a work rate at no extra charge, engine servicing just done in situ.
3. Most work I would contemplate doing on my Rib could be done in Situ
4. I use my Rib all year round
5. I don't think I would change my Rib or sell it for the next three years at least
6. I don't think I will go anywhere on holiday and take my Rib as this part of the world is great, I have ISle of Wight, Solent, Jurrassic Coast etc all on my doorstep so to speak

Currently the trailer is just taking up room, the neighbours don't particularly like it, they are pretty ugly items.
Makes the front of my house look untidy
Its just sat there getting wet and I expect that aint good for it, I do move it once a month to stop things seizing up.

Comments welcome

And what is the going rate for a second hand twin axle trailer, it has it's own brakes and flushing system, would fit 7.5M or bigger probably.
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Old 01 April 2011, 08:40   #2
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8.9m Parker??
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Old 01 April 2011, 11:55   #3
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Originally Posted by 250kts View Post
8.9m Parker??
Maybe, come round and take a look, you know where I live.
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Old 01 April 2011, 14:56   #4
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Had my 7.5 for near 4 years and never had a trailor. If its used (as yours is ) and lifted out ( as yours is) they do seem a little pointless , but the crunch comes if you do need to take it somewhere - for whatever reason and then you need one . My boat was lifted out each winter in a yard so no need for one even if you dont use the boat all year round.

When I needed it out ( to fix the tube ) of the water I 'borrowed' a versa dock berth in the marina so no issue there as I am sure you could do the same - but then its lifted easilty for work etc anyway.

You can try to beg , borrow or hire one which ( in my experience ) never quite fits right..... and then buying another can get expensive as no -one wants to buy a new one so a decent used one holds its value I think.

If your neighbours dont like it now wait until you stick the boat on it and park it in the drive... but a lot of houses have covenents that technically mean your not allowed to 'store' boats & caravans etc .....
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Old 04 April 2011, 21:16   #5
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Originally Posted by boristhebold View Post
the neighbours don't particularly like it, they are pretty ugly items.
I can see why the neighbours get stroppy...
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