12 May 2009, 21:31
Country: UK - England
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Rib off trailor is this a first?
Was waiting patiently at Christchurch public slip for sea trial this evening, thanks to Pete7 for all your help, a boat moving co. that i don't think i should name was reversing a DR490 down the slip, being a total newbie I thought I would see how the professionals do it. All was going well the guy driving the iveco was reversing dead straight the no2 was in position at the helm then!! 10ft before the water the rib starts rolling of the trailor, a very nasty scrapping sound could be heard as the trailor continued to grind the hull, and for good measure the starboard tube was gashed. is it common practice not to have the rib secured until its at least at the water?
12 May 2009, 22:17
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Very common occurrence happens nearly every other week in summer in North Wales. Many People don't have a safety line from the trailer to the D ring on the bow. You should have a short line just incase the which or winch strap fails this is not uncommon and this can be released as soon as the trailer is in the water as if the boat was to roll of the trailer then it would not be a problem.
12 May 2009, 22:59
Country: UK - Scotland
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doesn't sound very proffesional to me!!
12 May 2009, 23:15
Country: UK - Scotland
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Oh dear  sounds like a Loch Lomond experience I have seen all too often .. muppets
12 May 2009, 23:25
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Yeah, fairly common I suspect. I travelled to look at a second hand Redbay a couple of years back. I was not impressed to be show a rib with a chunk out of the back of the keel and two bent skegs. The guy had "no idea" what happened to it
13 May 2009, 07:00
Country: USA
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Not just on that side of the pond, either. Happens quite often with ski boats and opening day fishermen in the States.
FWIW, I always leave the winch strap connected, but slacked, even though I have bunks. The boat's never moved, but I know if it does, it won't go far. (The slack makes it a bit quicker when disconnecting. I usually launch solo, and try to do it faster than teams launching their boats.)
13 May 2009, 07:10
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Originally Posted by jyasaki
FWIW, I always leave the winch strap connected, but slacked, even though I have bunks. The boat's never moved, but I know if it does, it won't go far. (The slack makes it a bit quicker when disconnecting. I usually launch solo, and try to do it faster than teams launching their boats.)
Spot on, we also have a line from the boat to the trailer that does not come off until the engine is running and there is another longer line as well. All of that paid off when a launching a RIB last week and the winch strap snapped part way down the slip.
13 May 2009, 09:02
Country: UK - England
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Many moons ago on a wet and soggy November Sunday morning Rogue Wave and I went to sea trial a Pacific 22 at Lymington. The seller was a bit late so we drove round to his house set in 5 acres of New Forest. Just outside his gates there was a traffic jam down a narrow country lane. Jumping out we saw a Pacific 22 neatly sat in the road with the trailer a few yards infront. He had forgotten to attach the rib to the trailer
The expression on the owners face when he saw me was priceless as he mumbled "I suppose you don't want it now do you". He and his mate (a certain James Warlock) had completely lost the plot and weren't sure how to sort it out. Meanwhile the whole village was in a queue trying to get to church. Stu jumped on the winch and I jacked up the front of the rib and we winched it back on. Damage to the rib consisted of a small scratch to the antifoul and a rather large hole in the tarmac for the council to fill. We subsequently bought the rib which became Old Spice.
Trailers and launching always good entertainment, providing its not your boat of course  but just occasionally the opposite happens and it wont' come off at all:
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13 May 2009, 09:09
Country: UK - England
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Have seen exactly the same thing, at the same slip ( christchurch dorset ? ), with a similar boat. Slow reverseing car and the away goes the boat - left 10feet from the water - the look on the faces of the persons launching is hilarious ! My mooring is nearly opposite the slip so can now spend hours watching this sort of thing from the comfort of my own boat! great fun - just not for others .......
Wasnt the local Valiant dealer was it ?
13 May 2009, 10:18
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Blackroady
Wasnt the local Valiant dealer was it ?
The vailent is now on the river somewhere as they did not put it back on the trailor. At the end of the slip is a slight drop as our trailor dropped of the end of the slip the driver came running over and asked if we'd done the same.
Not sure if its the vailent dealer the name on the door was Boat Loads
13 May 2009, 11:42
Country: UK - England
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Yep - same slip - but no thats not the local Valiant dealer .
The drop off was ' put in ' a few years ago when the council put new slabs at the bottom of the slip. Its good for when the tide is low , poeple are tired ,the boat is full of water , the skip is wet & a new clutch is needed !
I've offered to get my car to pull people out when they have no chance due to all the above ! You can also ground the trailor if you really get it wrong ! Amazing for such a decent slip that people can screw it up in so many ways !
13 May 2009, 12:00
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Originally Posted by Heart-trouble
doesn't sound very professional to me!! 
No, but it does sound entertaining!
13 May 2009, 16:49
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This is part of my write up about last New Years Eve when we went out on the San Francisco Bay to watch the fireworks show at the west end of the Bay Bridge.
"As soon as the show was over, we headed back to the ramp to try and beat the rush, and we were largely successful (though to be fair, I don't think there were all that many boats recovering anyway. Still, we missed the bull run heading back to the Estuary, which is a good thing. On the way in, I hit
something (Amanda thought it was a bird; I'm pretty sure it was something more substantial.) Whatever it was was solid enough to not bother kicking up my transducer, and instead snapped it off.
"Back at the ramp, Pam [note: Jeff's rommmate] was in Jeff's truck while Jeff power loaded his boat onto his trailer; I heard him tell Pam "Okay, pull it forward, slow and easy". There was a little delay, and then the wheels spun, and Pam pulled the truck and trailer up the ramp, around the corner, and into the lot. Johnny [Jeff's kid] had to run up to let her know that the boat was still sitting in the water, her rather abrupt accelleration having left it in place at the ramp. Jeff went up to retrieve his truck, and I power loaded his boat (it ended up on the trailer this time.) He then parked his truck, brought mine down, and I power loaded my boat."
So, yes, I guess it is important to have the baot secured both launching and recovering (or have a clue about how to drive, I suppose...)
13 May 2009, 18:18
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Happened to the seller of my first RIB, Kohaku. Seller was reversing down the slip for the sea trial when that all to familiar sound of scraping gell coat filled the air.
I managed to get a £300 reduction in the price for a new winch and a tube of gell coat filler
Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
15 May 2009, 18:23
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Originally Posted by Hightower
£300....for a new winch and a tube of gell coat filler 
Damn chandlers.
15 May 2009, 18:57
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
Damn chandlers. 
 Haven't anything better to do
Winds blowing a hooly down here. What's it like up there?
Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
15 May 2009, 19:09
Country: UK - Wales
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Been raining all afternoon 
But the weekend's just begun and the sun's just come out
15 May 2009, 19:14
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 7,866
Originally Posted by Downhilldai
Been raining all afternoon 
But the weekend's just begun and the sun's just come out 
Hey, well send it down this way please. It's been overcast and rainy all day
Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
15 May 2009, 19:27
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
Been raining all afternoon 
But the weekend's just begun and the sun's just come out 
Send it up here too. Weathers total dog sh!t!
15 May 2009, 21:43
Country: UK - England
Town: Gosport
Boat name: April Lass
Make: Moody 31
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Originally Posted by Hightower
Hey, well send it down this way please. It's been overcast and rainy all day 
Just driven along the sea front at Gsoport, Solent empty cold and looking very bleak
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