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Old 22 January 2005, 06:15   #1
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Roller trailer launching - Tips?

Just bought a new roller trailer for 6.5m RIB. First launch. Any tips for a novice?
eg. As it's a roller trailer with swinging rollers is it necessary to keep it attached to towing vehicle when launching to stop it tipping up when the boat is nearly off the trailer, or can the trailer be run down the slip on a piece of rope secured to the tow-ball if gradient shallow? Anyone got time to talk me through it?!!
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Old 22 January 2005, 08:44   #2
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Im pretty new to all this too but had the pleasure of launching with DJL from here a few months ago and learnt a lot!

Backed the trailer down the ramp still connected to the car. Went so the back wheels of my car were just shy of the waterline. Undid the winch and safety rope, lifted the bows up and pushed back into the water. It was soo simple i couldnt believe it!

Previously i had struggled by not lifting the bow (Stupid i know but nevermind) Recovering was very simple too, bows onto the back of the trailer, little burst of revs, (Making sure you have an idea whats under the prop) then attach the winch line and pul it up the trailer.

I have not launched from a rope yet but i cant see why it should be any different?

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Old 22 January 2005, 09:43   #3
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Originally Posted by Carlo
Just bought a new roller trailer for 6.5m RIB. First launch. Any tips for a novice?
eg. As it's a roller trailer with swinging rollers is it necessary to keep it attached to towing vehicle when launching to stop it tipping up when the boat is nearly off the trailer, or can the trailer be run down the slip on a piece of rope secured to the tow-ball if gradient shallow? Anyone got time to talk me through it?!!
If the trailer did not come from the boat builder then make sure the boat is balance on the trailer correctly ie. is the boat sitting far enough forward. The best way to prevent the trailer from not lifting is to allow the stern of the boat to float off the rear rollers, thus not making the front of the trailer lift.

Beware if using a rope do not rely on the handbrake as these can fail at times, therefore what I suggest is the following.

1. Reverse the trailer to the waters egde of the slip.
2. Put some wooden blocks behind the wheels of the trailer.
3. Attache a rope the the winch stem of the trailer.
4. attach the other end of the rope to the tow hitch on the car, both attachments should be made by bowline.
5. Lower the jockey wheel and unhitch trailer.
6. Take strain on rope by driving car up slip.
7. Remove chocks and lower trailer into water so the back of the boat floats off.

If the slipway is of a shallow gradient then you will have to submerse the wheels unfortunataly. If a steep gradient then you could probably get away with not submersing them. Remeber to wash the salt off the trailer wheels after lauching.

Word of caution. When rope attached to trailer ensure that no one is stood behind trailer as if not was to slip you could have a problem.

Hope this helps
Simon Hawkins
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Old 22 January 2005, 11:48   #4
Country: UK - England
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Hi there Simon,

Many thanks for that. Much appreciated.
When you say that if the gradient is shallow it might be necessary to submerge the wheels, I assume you mean the trailer wheels not the car wheels? Also when using the rope at what stage should I release the winch strap? Presumably if should release it when the back has floated off?
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Old 22 January 2005, 11:49   #5
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Thanks Zippy

Sounds like you found it necessary to submerge the trailer wheels.
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Old 22 January 2005, 12:13   #6
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Originally Posted by Carlo
Hi there Simon,

Many thanks for that. Much appreciated.
When you say that if the gradient is shallow it might be necessary to submerge the wheels, I assume you mean the trailer wheels not the car wheels? Also when using the rope at what stage should I release the winch strap? Presumably if should release it when the back has floated off?

You should use your bow line to put a turn round the winch stem then back to the boat to a secure point. Then disconnect the winch strop, the bow line will hold the boat on the trailer. Once the boat is then lowered into the water you can safefly untie, without having to lean over the bow to disconnect the winch strop.
Simon Hawkins
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Old 22 January 2005, 16:12   #7
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Carlo
Sounds like you found it necessary to submerge the trailer wheels.

Yip. Trailer wheels submerged.
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