02 August 2010, 15:08
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The problem with asking for comparisons and opinions is that most folk will recommend the car they drive as this is the one they chose and must be good, right?
In saying that I would recommend the Sorento based so far on two months ownership. It tows like a dream, is comfortable, plenty of room and will tow up to 3000kg. If you buy the XS or above it has a low range ratio setting available.
Badge snobbery is a good thing IMO. I bought a 3 year old one with all the extras down to full leather interior for under 15k from a new price of almost 30k. This may seem bad depreciation (and it is) but after three years this slows down and drops no more each year than a LR or equivalent car.
The mechanics are based round Mercs and AFAIK share a common floorpan, certainly both cars look very similiar mechanically as far as I can see and are very similiar visually.
My other recommendations would be Jeeps as I found mine over ten years use very reliable if a bit rough riding but no LR's, thse are permanently of my list for purchase after a few bad 'uns.
It may be worth looking at the winner of the most recent award for most unreliable car as well if you doubt this!
02 August 2010, 19:26
Country: UK - England
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My Mum had a Sorrento for towing the caravan - was the Caravan Club tow car of the year when they bought one.
So, look to the caravan websites fo advice on tow cars, just remember that they don't need to tow up slipways!
02 August 2010, 21:43
Country: UK - England
Town: Cowes
Boat name: WightStuff
Make: Ribeye
Length: 6m +
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Posts: 319
All good suggestions, Thanks.
Further Seariders comments about wanting a "normal" car rather than a 4x4... I have thought about this, but definitely like the road height of my current Freelander, gives a lot more confidence knowing the back is away from the water. I've seen a fair few "normal" cars dipping their backsides into the sea when on the slipway, so would want something with some distance between the road and vehicle underbottom
02 August 2010, 21:57
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 2,069
Originally Posted by BrAinZ
All good suggestions, Thanks.
Further Seariders comments about wanting a "normal" car rather than a 4x4... I have thought about this, but definitely like the road height of my current Freelander, gives a lot more confidence knowing the back is away from the water. I've seen a fair few "normal" cars dipping their backsides into the sea when on the slipway, so would want something with some distance between the road and vehicle underbottom 
That's why we went with the XC70 over the V70 AWD. Bit more clearance and fatter tyres - although compromises the high speed ride a little.
(XC70 has same size wheels and tyres as Freelander)
Also looked at Audi Allroad - which is an A6 quattro with big wheels and adjustable air suspension. Discounted it due to complexity of suspension and looked a bit too flash for o/h.
I used to keep a Discovery just for towing the boat. But it got too rusty - was 15 years old. I figured that a daily car occasionally used to tow the boat would be ok getting splashed occationally as normal use and washing would help wash the salt off.
02 August 2010, 22:48
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by Searider
That's why we went with the XC70 over the V70 AWD. Bit more clearance and fatter tyres - although compromises the high speed ride a little.
(XC70 has same size wheels and tyres as Freelander)
Also looked at Audi Allroad - which is an A6 quattro with big wheels and adjustable air suspension. Discounted it due to complexity of suspension and looked a bit too flash for o/h.
I used to keep a Discovery just for towing the boat. But it got too rusty - was 15 years old. I figured that a daily car occasionally used to tow the boat would be ok getting splashed occationally as normal use and washing would help wash the salt off.
Agree with you about the A6 Allroad. Fine when new, but very, very expensive if the pneumatic air suspension needs any work at all. Comes with 2.7TDi, 3.0TDi or 3.0TFSi engines and start at £39k new!
Can recommend A4 Quattro Avant in 2.5TDi V6 guise, (2001 B5 150bhp). Pulls like a train and is great on fuel when not hauling (45mpg).
03 August 2010, 00:04
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
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Make: Ribtec / Scorpion
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Posts: 2,069
Originally Posted by spartacus
Agree with you about the A6 Allroad. Fine when new, but very, very expensive if the pneumatic air suspension needs any work at all. Comes with 2.7TDi, 3.0TDi or 3.0TFSi engines and start at £39k new!
Can recommend A4 Quattro Avant in 2.5TDi V6 guise, (2001 B5 150bhp). Pulls like a train and is great on fuel when not hauling (45mpg).
Was looking at older generation Allroads with the 2.5TDI. I think OPs budget is £7-£9k
06 August 2010, 14:20
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Aberdeenshire
Boat name: Sula
Make: Ribcraft 4.8m
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 70hp + aux
MMSI: 235087213
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Posts: 4,668
Originally Posted by Searider
Was looking at older generation Allroads with the 2.5TDI. I think OPs budget is £7-£9k
I've seen a few for sale in this price range, but the air suspension would still be a concern. A lot of car for the money though. Currently 142 available on Autotrader. I'd personally go for a 2.5TDi, manual box, leather interior, under 100k. Timing belt and waterpump needs to be done every 80k (allow £450) to change as it's a nose-off job.
06 August 2010, 14:33
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by spartacus
I've seen a few for sale in this price range, but the air suspension would still be a concern. A lot of car for the money though. Currently 142 available on Autotrader. I'd personally go for a 2.5TDi, manual box, leather interior, under 100k. Timing belt and waterpump needs to be done every 80k (allow £450) to change as it's a nose-off job.
Proper engine, the 2.5TDI.
06 August 2010, 17:03
Country: UK - England
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Make: Ribeye
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Posts: 319
They look OK, but still a bit car-ey, I want something a bit more 4x4-ey.
I live on the Isle of Wight, where roads aren't brilliant.. Having a nice big profile tyre/wheel and a bit of ground clearance, really helps
No-one has mentioned Rav 4 's yet, are they any good?
06 August 2010, 19:42
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by BrAinZ
No-one has mentioned Rav 4 's yet, are they any good?
I'll take that as a "I can't hear you" then, shall I?
I refer you to page 1 of this thread but let me repeat:
Turbo woes
Gutless (no low box)
Tiny interior
06 August 2010, 21:04
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Originally Posted by BrAinZ
No-one has mentioned Rav 4 's yet, are they any good?
Thats a easy answer.............NO!
06 August 2010, 21:09
Country: UK - England
Town: Cowes
Boat name: WightStuff
Make: Ribeye
Length: 6m +
Engine: Yamaha 150hp
MMSI: 235072807
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 319
Oh yeah willk, whoops.. That was ages ago. It's been Cowes Week since then!
06 August 2010, 22:45
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by BrAinZ
It's been Cowes Week since then! 
Fair 'nuff, the lad next door is muck spreading here too, it doesn't half wreck your head!
09 August 2010, 11:36
Country: UK - England
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No-one's mentioned a Nissan X-Trail.
I changed my Volvo V50 - which was cramped in side & had poor performance for a 2 litre Diesel X-Trail & IMHO l reckon it's iddeal, not only fro "normal" driving & packing in the family, but also for towing & launching,. Big hard wearing boot and over 40 mpg overall.
I'm sure though everyone will recommend what they have!
09 August 2010, 12:44
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 148
Yes to Nissa X Trail
Originally Posted by lakelandterrier
No-one's mentioned a Nissan X-Trail.
I changed my Volvo V50 - which was cramped in side & had poor performance for a 2 litre Diesel X-Trail & IMHO l reckon it's iddeal, not only fro "normal" driving & packing in the family, but also for towing & launching,. Big hard wearing boot and over 40 mpg overall.
I'm sure though everyone will recommend what they have!
I am currently borrowing my Dads X Trail Sport 2.2 TD
It's a great vehicle for day to day and tows like a dream, pretty economical too.
07 September 2010, 15:30
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Glasgow
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I use a Shogun, it does the job well, tows a dream. It is however a japanese tractor that someone put a shiny body on and istalled some leather seats, refined and quiet it is not, does about 27mpg though.
07 September 2010, 18:28
Country: UK - England
Town: South Yorks
Boat name: Black Pig
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
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Disco4 3.0l auto, phenominal towing machine. Accelerates up the 1in4 Blue Bank coming out of Whitby pulling 2 tonnes of boat & still manages 24mpg
07 September 2010, 18:31
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
Disco4 3.0l auto, phenominal towing machine. Accelerates up the 1in4 Blue Bank coming out of Whitby pulling 2 tonnes of boat & still manages 24mpg
That's the one I want. Shame they only put the nasty 2.7 in the commercial here - I'll have to import.
07 September 2010, 19:21
Country: UK - England
Town: South Yorks
Boat name: Black Pig
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: DF140a
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Posts: 12,206
Originally Posted by willk
That's the one I want. Shame they only put the nasty 2.7 in the commercial here - I'll have to import.
Are you sure? the 2.7 has been replaced by the 3.0l in the commercial here in the UK Some people lucked out & ordered the 2.7 manual & got the 3.0l auto at no extra charge. AFAIK the 2.7l has been discontinued for the 2011my. The commercial comes with the 3.0l 211hp as standard, you can pay about a grand & have it "upgraded" to 246hp as a factory option. Word has it that you will be able to have it re-mapped after market for much less than a grand.
07 September 2010, 19:51
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I have to say that I thought my 3.2TD Shogun was a good tow vehicle until I brought my Disco 3.
Yes I'd like to move up to a D4, but the small matter of @£40K is in the way a bit
Have you guys found:-
It's where I hang out now when I'm not on here, and they cover D4s too.
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