04 May 2009, 16:07
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Towing Vehicle insurance
Hi Guys, Keen ribster needs help!
Were about to buy a vehicle specifially for launching the RIB's and although the 4x4 isnt the problem, We cant find any insurance!
The big issue is i'm 18, and were looking for insurace for upto a 3.0 V6 Shogun and as you can imagine...insurance wont be interested! Anyone got any names of company's who maybe able to help or any or any alternative's! Long shot but are there any insurance brokers who will do me a deal ?
As i said i'm 18, had my drivers license for a year with no incidents but im not earning an NCB, Mum and dad have got 9yrs ish NCB, the car will do little over 500 miles a year, under 3rd Party cover with a value of £0, mainly off road mileage and i dont want to pay £1000's for insurance!
04 May 2009, 16:42
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Does it have to be something as big as a 3.0 V6 shogun? You'd be surprised at what a normal family estate car is legally allowed to tow. You could probably tow the boat in your sig without a problem using an old escort van-though it'd be slow. (note, I don't know this is definitely true as I don't have access to the figure necessary on the van or your boat)
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04 May 2009, 16:53
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Red Jelly
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Posts: 71
We quite happily tow that boat with a 1.8l mondeo, let alone a 1.4l rover lol!
The 4x4 is for dragging the boat up and down the beaches and playing in. For any longer journeys I do it with the mondeo. The mondeo doesnt struggle with our small boat, but when I'm trying launching 7m+ delta's or 6m ribcrafts the mondeo isnt very succesful! The 4x4 is also to keep the rest of the cars (mine, dads etc) off the beach and in better condition as mine just failed the MOT for salt water related issues!
Anyone know anything about commercial towing insurance ?
04 May 2009, 17:01
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Originally Posted by Willbrooksy
We quite happily tow that boat with a 1.8l mondeo, let alone a 1.4l rover lol!
The 4x4 is for dragging the boat up and down the beaches and playing in. For any longer journeys I do it with the mondeo. The mondeo doesnt struggle with our small boat, but when I'm trying launching 7m+ delta's or 6m ribcrafts the mondeo isnt very succesful! The 4x4 is also to keep the rest of the cars (mine, dads etc) off the beach and in better condition as mine just failed the MOT for salt water related issues!
Anyone know anything about commercial towing insurance ?
Why not get something like an old Land Rover and insurance with the L R owners club, limited mileage etc
04 May 2009, 18:41
Country: UK - England
Town: Knutsford
Boat name: Red Jelly
Make: Narwhall 520
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Engine: 1998 Mariner 75hp
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 71
Good idea.... going to look into it now! Land rovers from light research are too expensive, Landrovers start at 3k and i'm looking to spend more like £500!
They are also not big enough lol, I want to be towering above the land rovers in a big fat thing lol which is still very comfortable !
Anyone know any daily insurance companies open to 18 year old drivers or any fully comp long term deal's that can have 18 year old driving on that policy type thing!
04 May 2009, 19:27
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Try the NFU (National Farmers Union) I have always used them for 4x4 insurance and they are pretty reasonable.
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
04 May 2009, 20:10
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Originally Posted by Willbrooksy
Good idea.... going to look into it now! Land rovers from light research are too expensive, Landrovers start at 3k and i'm looking to spend more like £500!
They are also not big enough lol, I want to be towering above the land rovers in a big fat thing lol which is still very comfortable !
Anyone know any daily insurance companies open to 18 year old drivers or any fully comp long term deal's that can have 18 year old driving on that policy type thing!
A Defender 110 makes a Jap 4x4 look like a toy. As standard I can get my knee under the sill on a 110 - a Shogun comes up to my shin!!!
You can get a V8 Discovery from £500 - and no worse on fuel than the V6 shogun either.
04 May 2009, 21:24
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Originally Posted by Willbrooksy
They are also not big enough lol, I want to be towering above the land rovers in a big fat thing lol which is still very comfortable !
Hmmm, I'm "drawing 2.2m positive at the stern" of my Defender. If you want to tower in a "jap" (nicely put C-P, btw), you're gonna have to buy a Hitachi tracked excavator or get Bogib's mates to spend 10k on it first.
04 May 2009, 21:36
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Hi i learnt in a disco 300tdi 2 1/2 yrs ago and was insured for 750 with NFU and that wasnt limited milage. it might have helped that my house has farm in the name though. and discos are cheap as chips and can be fixed with hammers! would imagine it might be cheaper having passed, limited milage, 3rd party + set a v high excess and always call them! as if you get some one usefull they will make it as cheap as possible for you putting in all the little things that can make it cheaper by a few quid.
04 May 2009, 23:59
Country: UK - Wales
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NFU are great for non farmers as well........
05 May 2009, 10:48
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Insurance for young people on anything bigger than a Fiesta is a complete nightmare. I'm 22, have a years no claims, and now don't have any points (yay) but still couldn't get on Jimbos policy to drive his Discovery. They said I had to be over 23. Likewise when I tried to arrange my own short term policy on it. Weird as I had a Discovery for 2 years from the age of 19, although was paying over £1k a year for insurance (post accident, 3 points). Got an Audi A6 now and still paying around £900. For me, Norwich Union came out cheapest for the Disco, and Directline for the A6. Very depressing when my now ex-girlfriend was paying about £350 a year on a new style mini and she was 19 (and was a terrible driver being blonde and female  )
05 May 2009, 11:20
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In the words of a NASA engineer - 'Anything is possible the question is do we really need it ?& can we really afford it ?'
I'd guess that a 3L shogun is nice , but not really needed ( or really best suited) and very expensive.- I'd go for a cheap LR everytime for what you describe.
01 June 2009, 17:26
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Originally Posted by codprawn
A Defender 110 makes a Jap 4x4 look like a toy.
8o77ocks !
I had to pull a 90 out of the sea on Saturday yet again with my jap crap 4x4 and he still had his trailer on and the engine was dead
Oh and that was at Morfa Nefyn which is a very sandy beach
Stripes, we like stripes just need some stars now !
01 June 2009, 17:48
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by floater
8o77ocks !
I had to pull a 90 out of the sea on Saturday yet again with my jap crap 4x4 and he still had his trailer on and the engine was dead
Oh and that was at Morfa Nefyn which is a very sandy beach
Big fat tyres are great on sand - usless anywhere else. The less tread the better on sand as well. Knowing how to drive also helps a lot - I assume you do and he didn't!!!
01 June 2009, 19:49
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Big fat tyres are great on sand - usless anywhere else. The less tread the better on sand as well. Knowing how to drive also helps a lot - I assume you do and he didn't!!!
he said the engine was dead......must have been a petrol V8, it smelt the water and conked out!!!
seriously.....people can criticise landrovers all they like but i am the smug git who hasn't broken down in 22years of ownership, pays no road tax, 80 a year fully comp insurance, and gets around 30mpg when towing  and the vehicle has negative depreciation, OK i admit my engine may be Jap crap Isuzu but a landrover 200tdi would be as good, but then i wouldnt have had the pleasure of gas axeing up a perfectly good low mileage Isuzu trooper citation  
I am usually not as green as i am cabbage looking.
02 June 2009, 04:32
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NFU cant be beaten as far as i'm concerned, I've got my Commercial TD5 Disco, Mitsubushi L200, and Disco 3 all with them, the first 2 are on a commercial policy, specified towing, Insured any driver (17 up, but have to be named under 21) and worked out cheaper than anywhere else. The Disco 3 was a different story as far as any driver was concerned, because its a V6 they would insure it for business use but any driver over 25, for an extra £300 I could insure it for any driver over 21, again for business use, (but hey thats the bosses car so its stays at over 25) NFU are the people to talk to.
02 June 2009, 09:09
Country: UK - Wales
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I woiuld try adrian flux or peter best,
my landrover is £80 odd a year fully comp, and thats including the weighting for a modified vehicle( isuzu engine, rangerover transmission, disc brakes conversion, parabolic springs etc etc)
I am usually not as green as i am cabbage looking.
02 June 2009, 14:21
Country: UK - Wales
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Firebond are cheap for older vehciles - over 10 years and you can get classic car insurance for it if it's your 2nd car. Fully comp but you are NOT covered to drive other vehicles on it.
My 110 V8 CSW worked out at £130 for the year. Normal companies wanted £600 or more because it was a V8 and 12 seats!!!
07 June 2009, 18:57
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Originally Posted by Chris
Try the NFU .
08 June 2009, 21:39
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Not sure about Insurance, but as you are only 18. Unless you have taken a seperate trailer test you are only allowed to tow a trailer load of 750kg max. Would be worth checking how much your towing load weighs.
RYA Powerboat Instructor
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