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Old 02 May 2004, 09:38   #21
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The wash kit is fitted to new RM trailers so it might be a bit late for the patent application. Also Diesel is also known as Heavy oil and I imagine it would do a good job of lubing the cables.

Re the long journey and the cold water....elementary physics (which is far as I got) says that's gotta be sound advice
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Old 13 May 2004, 16:22   #22
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Trailer protection

Has anyone used Waxoyl on their trailer?
I was thinking that a good squirt inside the sections would do no harm.
It was galvanised, but abuse over 6 years is starting to show, as demonstrated by my wheel bearings
Hopefully less than a week to my new axel, then I can get the boat off the trailer and do all the things I was booked to do the weekend after the bl**dy wheel fell off.

Also does anyone know a good place to buy Galvafroid or similar in the portsmouth area?
Mark H
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Old 14 May 2004, 10:16   #23
Country: UK - Northern Ireland
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Originally Posted by nik
I bought a new galvanised trailer a couple of weeks ago. It has not been dipped in salt water yet, but in preparation for this I have covered exposed threads and nuts with copper grease. In hindsight, I am not so sure this was a good idea. Could it add to corrosion problems?

From an ex-aviation engineer I would suggest that copper grease is NOT a good idea. Placing copper grease near or around a zinc trailer will cause a problem called "dissimilar metal corrosion".

Basically what you have done is created a cathode and an anode with the copper and zinc. All it needs now is a saline liquid (such as the sea) and hey presto! A battery effect!

I would suggest you use any non-metallic grease or even waxoil (from Halfords).

Also, if you have the luxury of an old sacrificial anode from an outboard motor, bolt it onto the lowest (and wettest) part of your trailer. This will slow down the corrosion rate of it whilst wet!

Good luck
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Old 14 May 2004, 12:36   #24
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Hi All

The wrong grease can do more harm than good; my favourite offender is Duckhams Keenol, which actually labels itself as marine. Use this on outboards or trailers and you will find it sticks things together exceedingly well! Quicksilver 2 4 C seems to be a fairly good all-rounder.

Originally Posted by John Kennett
This may be too much to hope, but I certainly think that any company selling a trailer with a boat and engine as a "ready to go" package should give the trailer a quick going over before delivery.

Your right on this John, started to do this on our PDI's. Often the boat gets winched on and this can get forgotton.


PS. 3 posts in 3 days, going to have to go and have a lie down!
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