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Old 19 September 2012, 21:23   #1
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Trailer for 5.5m Humber Assult

We have a 5.5m Humber Assult with a 2-stroke 60HP Yamaha, we need to get it out of the water to get the engine serviced (and a few other bits).

We are hoping to borrow a trailer at the marina if possible, but if we can't, how do we go about choosing a suitable trailer?

We wouldn't use the trailer to transport from site to site (well maybe once every few years, but we tend to keep the boat in its 'home' marina), but would potentially take it out of the water Nov-Mar and whenever it needs work doing.

Any advice would be appreciated, as we are all completely clueless on the subject!
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Old 19 September 2012, 22:28   #2
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Wouldn't imagine you'd need brakes, so that'll keep the price down for you. If you're looking at trailer specs, I'd go I'd go for unbraked, 5m capacity. You should be able to pick up a fully spec'd, new, rollered one for less than 1k. That'll include everything you need for trailing on the road.

However, if you're not going to use it very often then I'd look at buying a second hand one, or hiring one for the day. They're readily available from most trailer companies.
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Old 19 September 2012, 22:45   #3
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Great thanks, that is a good start, I didn't even realise companies hired them out!

That said, it may make more sense to buy a second hand one, like you say, I'll get checking ebay...
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Old 20 September 2012, 08:26   #4
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Other thing when spec'ing a trailer - a trailer described as "suitable for 5.5m" will generally be sized for a 5.5m solid boat. You will have toob cones at the stern and approx 0.6m of toob diameter overhanging the bow.

measure your hull form the tip of the solid bit at the bow to the transom - chances are a "5m" trailer will fit a 5.5m rib better!
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Old 20 September 2012, 09:04   #5
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Ah cool, I wouldn't have thought of that, off the top of my head 5m does sound about right, I'll have to measure up properly...
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Old 17 February 2021, 17:50   #6
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Off topic.

Apologise for being off topic. But it’s the only post I found with a similar spec. I’m about to buy a 5.5 Humber with a 60hp on it. Great deal. Just curious how you found it power wise?
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Old 17 February 2021, 21:35   #7
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Originally Posted by Smagu View Post
Apologise for being off topic. But it’s the only post I found with a similar spec. I’m about to buy a 5.5 Humber with a 60hp on it. Great deal. Just curious how you found it power wise?
Well it was about 8 years ago now, but hopefully my memory is still intact :-)

Um the first thing I should say is that embarrassingly (I won't explain how) we got the size of the rib wrong, it was actually 4.8m.

Bearing that in mind, I would say it was a bit underpowered....but the engine had, had a fairly long life, so it was far from peak performance. I'd suggest when new it would have been fine for 4 people (we probably struggled to break mid-20 knots on flattish water with 4 as a rough guide).

Ours was a 2-stroke, so probably a fair bit lighter than a 4-stroke, but then the trade off with age probably evens out a bit too, however for a 5.5m I'd guess in reality a 75hp might be more desirable.

That said it depends on conditions, load etc, so I wouldn't be too worried, so long as the condition is okay.
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