I have just taken on the role of powerboat bosun at the local sailing club, for the junior section. Once the kids are club members(cheap to join) they use all the facility's for free and we all volunteer our services for free also, and rely mainly on fundraising to keep going.
We have a old heavy 15 foot glassfibre dory that is our main safety/training boat and it is looking very tired, so I have taken it on as a winter project for the club.
The most costly of the problems I have to address is the trailer ,as it sit on a modified sailing dinghy launch trolley that could expire at any moment !.
I am looking for a road trailer to put it on, It need not be roadworthy as it will never see the road (just used on private land) . I have been given a small budget for the refit so nothing new or expensive please, Trailers requiring a bit of TLC no problem.
Thanks in anticipation.
Can anyone help ?.