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Old 03 July 2016, 22:06   #1
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Trailer Security

I am looking for some guidance and advice if I may on what security I need on a RIB trailer. Do I get a hitch lock? Or a wheel lock? or both? I have seen a couple of hitch locks on eBay etc and am open on budget - as long as I get quality - but ideally I want one I can leave on whilst towing, so that stopping in a services etc does not require putting the lock on and off each time, which clearly a wheel lock would. Appreciate all your input and guidance. Thanks J
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Old 03 July 2016, 22:36   #2
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Most insurance company's insist on both being used. I use an SAS wheel clamp which is insurance approved and an indespension hitch lock which can be used on or off the towball. There are better ones out there but if Mr tea leaf wants it he will get it imo . Main thing is to get good insurance to compliment the above 👍
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Old 03 July 2016, 22:57   #3
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Thanks Kerny, much appreciated. Is that a pain putting on and off every time you stop? I will have my kids with me, so it has not been unknown for an unannounced emergency toilet stop etc, so ideally I want to hook up the trailer, lock a good quality hitch lock and then worry about it at my destination. can you even get a hitch lock that you can do that with ir do you have to put on each time you stop and remember to take off again before you leave. Thanks again
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Old 03 July 2016, 23:07   #4
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If money is not an option I don't see any reason why a caravan hitch can't be fitted to the towbar, you know the lever type which can be locked and left locked while you are towing. Just an idea 👍
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Old 03 July 2016, 23:09   #5
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Originally Posted by JTURNER View Post
Thanks Kerny, much appreciated. Is that a pain putting on and off every time you stop? I will have my kids with me, so it has not been unknown for an unannounced emergency toilet stop etc, so ideally I want to hook up the trailer, lock a good quality hitch lock and then worry about it at my destination. can you even get a hitch lock that you can do that with ir do you have to put on each time you stop and remember to take off again before you leave. Thanks again
Check what your insurance policy says. They are all slightly different (some say hitch lock or wheel clamp, some say both and some say only if not locked to the car - many hitches have the option to lock either with an internal lock or a padlock). You'll also find some insist it must be locked even inside a garage and others who are more sensible.

Now thats the insurance requirement - its ticking a box not preventing theft. There's not much will stop a determined thief, and the insurance requirements will put off the opportunist. If you really want to make life hard for them though you want to: chain the axle to a ground anchor under the boat when leaving it unattended (at home/boatyard etc), and try to pick locations where the boat/trailer is blocked in by the car when its away from home.
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Old 04 July 2016, 08:24   #6
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Whilst towing and leaving for short periods I've seen a number of chain and padlock / bicycle locks in use. It'll stop the oppertunist.

Built in hitch locks are a pain but they do mean you don't have to fart about adding and taking off locks each time you stop and as others have said a number of the caravan style lock on for transport.

I have a non tow able lock currently that I throw on when leaving the trailer at the slip or overnight and will be getting a heavy duty bike one to enable the short stop / towing security to be there too.

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Old 04 July 2016, 11:30   #7
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Originally Posted by kerny View Post
Most insurance company's insist on both being used. I use an SAS wheel clamp which is insurance approved and an indespension hitch lock which can be used on or off the towball. There are better ones out there but if Mr tea leaf wants it he will get it imo . Main thing is to get good insurance to compliment the above ��
Couldn't agree more !!
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Old 04 July 2016, 22:01   #8
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Thanks all. I am going to get a hitch lock put on, but rather than spend the money on a caravan type I will go with a lock that fits over the hitch, guys in the local yard said they could supply and fit an insurance approved one for about £70 which sounds alright. I spoke to my Insurance company who only require a wheel brace/clamp. They said this only needs to be used when the boat is left for longer than say 20 mins or so, but I wont take the chance on it. Bought one from Barlow Trailers that they recommended called a Bulldog which is made specifically to fit the 165xR13 tyres on the Indispension trailer so should hopefully work well and cost £110 including delivery from them. Thanks to everyone for your input. Greatly appreciated. Best JT
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Old 09 July 2016, 07:34   #9
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So if insurer doesn't require hitch lock I'd fit a cheap £10-15 one. Like others have said - they will get anything off if they want to... so your aim is to make them go to the one next to you with no lock on...

I have been known to use a poundshop bike chain when parking up in hotel car park overnight ...

Whatever you do - find a system that means you can't forget to take the wheel clamp off before you drive off. It does the car, the trailer and the clamp no good if you forget ... ... so I'm told! ;-)
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Old 09 July 2016, 10:18   #10
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Remember and take pictures of the stuff fitted and send it to your insurers to put on your file.
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Old 09 July 2016, 18:03   #11
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Originally Posted by Xk59D View Post
Remember and take pictures of the stuff fitted and send it to your insurers to put on your file.
Do you send them pictures of you locking the front door when you leave the house?
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Old 09 July 2016, 18:30   #12
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Originally Posted by Poly View Post
Do you send them pictures of you locking the front door when you leave the house?

A long time ago (sept 1994 as a matter of fact) we were taking our 3 year old daughter on what was then, a trip of a lifetime to Disney Florida. In the true tradition of the time, we bought a video camera to capture the moments. The camera was a behemoth of a thing, but state of the art at the time, super vhs no less. By way of playing with our new toy, I laid out all our valuables & videoed them, I then went around the house, videoing the various bits & pieces that we had of any value, including a family heirloom grandfather clock. I left the tape with my mother incase the worst should happen whilst we were away, which it did. We were burgled & they took the lot, emptied the house & took the Discovery to cart it all away. Luckily I had my precious video, didn't I? Well, the insurance company (Direct Line, never used em since) took the view that due to my thorough preparation & cast iron records of our possessions, it was an inside job, with the implication that I had arranged it. We eventually got paid out, but all along they kept asking why I'd videoed the house contents. You can't win😡

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Old 09 July 2016, 18:33   #13
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Poly, my last 2 insurance companies required pics of them fitted for the record.

If you dont wish to do it then that is your choice but they specifically ask smart ass
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Old 09 July 2016, 21:08   #14
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Originally Posted by Xk59D View Post
If you dont wish to do it then that is your choice but they specifically ask smart ass
If they specifically ask then fair enough (although then you don't need a reminder) but I've used four different companies for boat insurance with I think three different underwriters and none have ever asked to see pictures of locks fitted when issuing a policy. I have heard of loss adjusters asking to see the key for security devices. Proof you fitted it once is clearly not proof it was in use, and as PD discovered if you've gone overboard to prove things it can raise suspicion. Hopefully I manage to make my point civilly.
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Old 09 July 2016, 21:13   #15
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When we're speaking about opportunist thieves, then that's exactly what they are. If the opportunity arises, they simply can't help themselves. The sight of a boat, with easy access, no security devices, no immediate lighting or obstructions is like music to the ears of these lo-life's.

Anything you can put in front of them, will deter or simply restrict. Someone said park in front of the trailer, great idea. Hitch lock, wheel lock, rope lock on the auxilliary engine saddle, main engine security bolts, GPS tracker if you have a suitable security system. Do what is necessary.
Is that with or without VAT?
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Old 09 July 2016, 21:47   #16
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If they want it they will take it, all you can do is what you can and make sure it in accordance with the insurance policy. I wonder how long until trackers are mandatory in this game.

I know someone who had their outboard stolen with a chainsaw used to just cut round the transom....thieving gits got his engine and wrecked his boat for good measure.
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Old 09 July 2016, 22:15   #17
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Trackers only work if mobile signal. I reckon I could buy the bits to block a mobile for £100, then pop it in a shipping container and it's probably unable to get either a mobile or GPS signal.
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Old 09 July 2016, 23:01   #18
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That is very true.

The best way to stop it being nicked is to use it more yourself win!

Although that means trailer left more...can't win sometimes
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Old 10 July 2016, 09:37   #19
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Use a decent Sold Secure | Security Product Testing & Approval rated hitchlock and wheel clamp.

Even if the insurance only specifies the wheelclamp you'd be pretty dumb not to use a decent hitchlock as well or use a hitch with an inbuilt lock.
Any opportunist pikey idiot can drive off with a wheelclamp on-the worst it'll do is to damage something that doesn't belong to him that he doesn't care about, and there's a fair chance it'll just fall off.

If you lose a trailer with a quality hitchlock on there as well, it's premeditated and they've come equipped for any reasonable eventuality.

Oh, and yes, take pics of them fitted. At least it shows they HAVE been fitted.
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Old 25 July 2016, 14:22   #20
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With mobile phone cameras being so good I would snap a pic of the locked up trailer each time you stop....

I also have bought a bulldog clamp for my stupid beach tyres and I'm not as impressed as thought I would be...
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