Yes I know what you mean!
We are currently looking at a new trailer & were thinking of going back to Snipe, because our old Snipe trailer is now over 8 years old & still on the same bearings & brakes. BUT after looking at their web site only yesterday I noticed they have also gone down the route of using those so called sealed for life bearings,

now I wouldn’t touch them with a barge pole!
You have been lucky to have kept it on the road for 2 years, our Bramber trailer had to have all new brake shoes & cables after only 9 months & now at 18months old the bearings have collapsed.
When we first started to have problems with this trailer someone on this forum pointed me in the direction of De Graaff trailers. I spoke to someone there (I think his name was Arthur but I’m not sure)
He reassured me that they do NOT use the sealed for life bearings, & in fact laughed when this was my first question (he knew exactly where I was coming from, if you know what I mean)

& as soon as I can get our committee of their asses to make a decision I’ll be popping down to see him to find out more.