Originally Posted by Nick Hearne
I use a FullStop Nemesis Wheel Clamp, but find it a pain to fit yes it is very secure but takes sometime to fit
Like Nick I use the Nemesis clamp as I feel they cover the wheel nuts better than most and stop a prepared thief just removing the wheel and fitting another. I also think they'd take longer to remove with a cordless angle grinder.
I actually have two, and fit them both to the same side of my twin axle trailer when the boat is in storage, but mostly just one for a short period of time.
I've picked both of them up used from ebay for @£25ea.
The problem with them is their bulk and weight to store when not on the wheel, so when travelling I clamp one to the spare wheel on the trailer having made a substantial bracket to mount the spare wheel to the trailer. It's also then easy to get to when it's needed.
Originally Posted by Nick Hearne
Yep agreed, but we have to keep our insurance providers happy
Agreed a lot of this is to keep the insurers happy. My policy with Towergate states the boat can't be left unattended on it's trailer without a clamp, so for example if we all want to eat together at a motorway services the clamp has to be fitted. In practice we don't leave the boat unattended as it's often got all our diving gear etc in it.