21 July 2013, 17:48
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Why have my tyres worn ?
I wonder if anyone can help answer a question for me. I recently purchased second-hand a 5.0 metre Bombard rib on an Hallmark Indespension non-braked trailer. The entire rig was originally supplied new in 2007 by Pacer Marine, so I'm making the assumption that trailer is sufficient for the boat.
Yesterday I drove the rib about 170 miles to the coast and when I launched the rib I noticed that the inside edge of one of the tyres was completely warn down and out of shape. The other tyre showed similar signs of wear but was not as bad.
What could cause this?
The tyres did appeared a little soft but they were at the same pressure that I'd previously towed at when I'd checked them about a month ago. I can't remember the exact pressure, but they were about 28 psi. Could the pressures have been too low?
The wheel nuts were all tight (I'd checked with the wrench) but there was a very slight 'clonk' movement/play when I heaved on the wheels just to check before setting off (as you do!). Could there be play in the bearings causing them to 'toe-out'.
Since buying the rig I've towed it about 700 miles and I'm 80% certain that the tyres were fine until this last trip.
Any answers would be appreciated. I'm not a mechanic and have no in-depth knowledge of trailers, I just do as the books tell me and like to keep all my gear in top-notch condition, so nice simple advice would help. Thanks.
21 July 2013, 18:07
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That sound like a low pressure for a trailer tyre to me? I also wouldn't tow something 170 miles with a "clonk" from the bearings...
...hopefully one of the trailer gurus will be able to confirm better - but I suspect it needs looked at.
21 July 2013, 18:19
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Originally Posted by Poly
That sound like a low pressure for a trailer tyre to me? I also wouldn't tow something 170 miles with a "clonk" from the bearings...
...hopefully one of the trailer gurus will be able to confirm better - but I suspect it needs looked at.
Agreed, long way to tow with a "clonk", assuming that you'd tugged at the wheels hoping not to hear a "clonk".
Pressure seems low also. However, to your advantage, be aware that some trailer tyres are cheaper and nastier than cheap and nasty things. Usually just bunged on for the trailer to have some black round things on it's wheels.
22 July 2013, 01:34
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Possibilities are axle bent or suspension unit somehow damaged or twisted letting the tyres 'toe out' - same effect as poor tracking on a car - wear on the inside edges. If it's just slack in the bearings allowing them to toe out enough to wear the tyres, the bearings need changing v urgently!
New tyres needed, check the weight rating is sufficient and I also think you want a lot more pressure in them. I need about 25-30psi in the 235/70R16 LT 4x4 tyres I use on my boat trailer, needed about 60psi minimum in the wee 13" ones that came on the trailer.
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22 July 2013, 04:00
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Tyre pressures are definetly to low, which won't be helping. If I was you, I would book the trailer in for a professional service, so that the bearings, suspension units, etc can all be checked to give you peace of mind.
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22 July 2013, 08:45
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Sound under inflated to me. Check the PSI rating on the tyre wall. Under inflated tyres will cause the edge of the tyres to wear. Overinflated will cause the middle of the tyres to wear. Under inflated tyres will also run hot causing a potential blow out I check mine at the start of every trip. A clonk does not sound right have a look at the sticky threads under towing section by trailer guy loads of easy to understand advise on checking pressures and how to test bearings and acceptable movement.
22 July 2013, 11:13
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Originally Posted by BogMonster
New tyres needed, check the weight rating is sufficient and I also think you want a lot more pressure in them. I need about 25-30psi in the 235/70R16 LT 4x4 tyres I use on my boat trailer, needed about 60psi minimum in the wee 13" ones that came on the trailer.
Bogmonster is right ! Apart from rectifying any other problems , the Caravan Club advise NOT to use any tyres that are more than seven years old , regardless of how pristine they appear to be !
I suspect that most caravan tyres lead a much easier life than boat trailer equivalents !
22 July 2013, 11:35
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'clonk' will very likely be bearings.
If you have an unbraked Indespension Coaster Swing trailer (you can tell the difference between these and the unbraked Roller Coaster by it having blue (usually) plastic mudguards) then you'll likely have the following tyres:
5.00 x 10 6ply tyres. These have a psi rating (60mph) of 50psi (3.5bar)
If you have an Indespension unbraked Roller Coaster (more heavy duty than the 'Swing' with metal mudguards) you'll likely have the following tyres:
145R12 then the pressure should be circa 42psi
Hope that helps. All the best.
22 July 2013, 14:57
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One other possibility is heavy load having bent the axle. If the normal rig load is close to the axle weight rating and rain water is allowed to accumulate, the rig can exceed the axle's limit and torque things out of shape.
22 July 2013, 21:09
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Thanks everyone for the replies - and thanks 'Trailer Guy' for the pressure specs. It is the Coaster Swing with the blue mudguards.
The whole rig was in very good nick when I bought it, with a good service history and very little use. I had the engine serviced anyway and that turned to be 100%, but I think I let that lull me into assuming everything was okay. Gawd only knows how I got the tyre pressures so wrong - I even phoned Indespension so I must have got my wires crossed about their recommendations. I've had bigger boats for many years and it's along time since I trailored a boat, but it's all coming back to me now!
Rest assured I'll get the trailer serviced and the tyres replaced.
Anybody know of anybody good at trailer servicing in the Lymington area? The boat is in the water for a week, so the trailer's sitting idle.
Cheers all.
22 July 2013, 21:14
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Originally Posted by Flybob
Anybody know of anybody good at trailer servicing in the Lymington area? The boat is in the water for a week, so the trailer's sitting idle.
Trailer Guy (link above) ?
22 July 2013, 21:21
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Are you sure someone didn't put some second hand tyres on the trailer before you purchased it. That wear pattern sounds more like a car, not a trailer with a solid axle. We don't often wear out tyre trailers,
22 July 2013, 21:29
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Nope, definitely not. They were lovely shaped tyres with loads of nice tread. I think i just wrecked them with a little incompetence (at least I admit it!)
22 July 2013, 21:30
Country: UK - England
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Yep, thanks Poly, I spotted his location and have sent him a PM.
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