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Old 21 January 2013, 12:26   #21
MustRib's Avatar
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72000 miles since new in my F2.
Brilliant in the snow with its factory fitted Goodyears and terrain settings.
Great motorway cruiser - quiet.
Only ever one issue launching due to a load of very soft sand (about a foot deep) on the slipway. Tows effortlessly.
I have the manual version and the clutch gets a bit whiffy reversing the Rib up a steep hill, but have only had to do that twice since new.
Would buy another if I needed to, without hesitation, but this one going strong and looking good after 4 years.
Driven the LR3 and fantastic vehicle, but I appreciate the narrower F2 and it feels no less comfortable or capable.
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Old 29 January 2013, 17:00   #22
jumpinjack's Avatar
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Sorry to jump the thread- but in a similar kind of scenario - though in the used market.

Presently use a 2003 shogun sport to tow my 6.5 which it does without issue. I I'm in the process of changing jobs- will now have a daily commute of approx 30miles each way- about 45 mins on our rather poor roads! Really do not envy an hour and a half daily in the shogun nor do I fancy the inevitable 100quid a week fuel bill at 25mpg. Though a decent tower it's not really very refined.
Have always had BMWs and love them, loved my X5 until price of fuel killed me really thinking of trading the shogun against a 520d touring (05/06/07) vintage. No doubt much nicer daily driver but will she be 'ok' towing the rib. Comments on caravan sites/google seem positive but wondering has anyone direct knowledge.
Generally my towing is not long distance though hopefully a few longer tows this year.
Also considered looking at a pathfinder- very mixed reviews on older models and fuel con still not great, similar for xc90s bearing in mind I looking at 04/05 models with my limited budget!
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Old 29 January 2013, 17:39   #23
jambo's Avatar
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Originally Posted by paulbryson75 View Post
Sorry to jump the thread- but in a similar kind of scenario - though in the used market.

Presently use a 2003 shogun sport to tow my 6.5 which it does without issue. I I'm in the process of changing jobs- will now have a daily commute of approx 30miles each way- about 45 mins on our rather poor roads! Really do not envy an hour and a half daily in the shogun nor do I fancy the inevitable 100quid a week fuel bill at 25mpg. Though a decent tower it's not really very refined.
Have always had BMWs and love them, loved my X5 until price of fuel killed me really thinking of trading the shogun against a 520d touring (05/06/07) vintage. No doubt much nicer daily driver but will she be 'ok' towing the rib. Comments on caravan sites/google seem positive but wondering has anyone direct knowledge.
Generally my towing is not long distance though hopefully a few longer tows this year.
Also considered looking at a pathfinder- very mixed reviews on older models and fuel con still not great, similar for xc90s bearing in mind I looking at 04/05 models with my limited budget!
look back on this thread there is comments re the 520d estate and its capabilities. My son has one and he has no trouble with the rib.
'Carpe Diem'
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Old 29 January 2013, 17:51   #24
mister p's Avatar
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520d gets my vote,
Door to door from Twickenham to Monaco beat an M6 by two hours.........straight.
M6 was refuelling and unable to overtake on mountain passes. 520d simply sailed thro'.
Genuine test.
The tourer was loaded with camera gear and people, M6 had two people, we were carrying their gear.
2 litre diesel BMW engine is serious.
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Old 29 January 2013, 20:04   #25
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Also look at ford kuga. It's what the xc60 is but in Volvo guise. Comes in 2 or 4wd. Friend has one and rates it as a good machine.
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Old 29 January 2013, 20:27   #26
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The nissan pathfinder is a terrible car. Cramped inside, sluggish, cheap and terribly unreliable. A volvo bmw or lr will suit anyone. You can get new bmw with x drive. Basically a 4wd version on most of their cars. Would rather a lr over volvo with no doubt
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Old 29 January 2013, 21:07   #27
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Ordered a 520d SE Estate with the automatic gearbox today. Took a spin in one and loved it. Looking forward to not having to indicate and overtaking in terrible places plus now I wont have to queue in traffic so many pluses!

Found it hard to decide so in the end went for the nicest to drive and the 520d was by far the nicest in that department! Cheers for the tips chaps - will just have make sure to put winter tyres on as I live on a hill!

ps will be selling the Legacy at just over trade in price if anyone is interested. Great boaty friendly car! offers around £9k (possibly less) should easily buy it.
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