I would thoroughly recommend the Bravo Superturbo - and also a cheapo airbed inflator from Lidl or one of the camping shops.
Our start-up procedure involves putting the Bravo onto the side of the boat that has slightly more than 50% of the chamber volume (this might be a Zodiac thing) and the cheapo pump on the other side. That way, although the Bravo is a million times faster than the cheapo pump, you don't end up with one side at full pressure and the other at nothing (which I understand is bad in the long run) plus, your inflation time is slightly reduced.
When the Bravo has got one side up to pressure, we swap it to the other side, pop the cheapo pump in to the keel, and then finally the Bravo onto full wack into the airdeck.
Hope that helps - I intend to do an inflation video some day, if only because I looked for such when we were thinking of getting a SIB.