Funnily, I described it in PM last week!
It cost about 15 quid from memory.
I've installed a standard Yamaha kill cord on mine in place of the stop button. It's a really easy swap-you remove the stop button and fit the Yamaha kill unit through the hole left by it . I did it a few years ago, so can't remember if I had to make the hole larger.
What you do need to be careful of is that the front plate on the DT2.2 is too thick to put a retaining nut onto the killcord switch, so you have to make sure it's a tight fit once it's in-maybe even epoxy it in. Mine's such a tight fit I had to turn it to get the screw threads to engage and it's stayed solid ever since.
Wiring it in is simple as long as you only use a 2 wire kill unit. Just wire it straight to where the stop button was wired to.
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