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Old 07 May 2015, 08:43   #1
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2 stroke 5 vs. 6hp Outboards

Simple question really, I am just looking for a secondhand outboard for a 3.0m Phoenix SIB (a never used Tender I bought for a now sold Sailing boat), which is rated to a max of 6hp.

However, I have been told that any horsepower advantage with the 6 is robbed as they are usually heavier motors than the 5's - is that correct?

Can anyone offer any insight into this?

Use by the way is mainly on a tidal estuary with the odd foray onto the coastal waters (out of Teignmouth).
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Old 07 May 2015, 09:39   #2
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Well it would be easier to advise if you had a specific 5hp & 6hp under consideration to compare.

There is "some" truth in what you've been told... but it's not simple as that!

Most makers tend to produce several horsepower variants of the same basic leg/powerhead so... if there are no other factors in play... it usually makes sense to have the largest horsepower variant of the group as its physical size and weight will be no more than the lowest power model.

Tohatsu make popular smaller outboards and their grouping is...

4hp & 5hp are the same single cylinder 102cc outboard (weighs 42lbs) just with carb/tuning variation to achieve the 5hp so out of the two the 5hp makes sense. However their 6hp is the smallest of their twin cylinder 169cc models (all weighing 57lbs) which include the 8 and 9.8hp "tuned" variants.

So yes the 6 does weigh 15lbs more than the 5 but for me I'd rather the smoother 2cyl larger capacity engine of the 6.

Then to expand on my theory if you are happy to carry the weight of the 6hp then it makes even more sense to get the otherwise identical 9.8 version. The only downside is that everyone thinks this so the 9.8 is hard to find and expensive if in good condition.

Also regarding the extra weight... The 5 and 6 are both an easy carry for most people and looked at in context of the overall weight of boat, engine, you, fuel, kit etc which may total 350-400lbs that extra 14lbs is minimal... about the difference of an initial full fuel tank compared with 30% left after a run.
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Old 07 May 2015, 13:09   #3
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I have a superb little 5hp Tohatsu for sale at the moment

Tohatsu 5hp 2 Stroke Outboard Motor | United Kingdom | Gumtree

Its literally like brand new under the hood, I had it on a little 2.7m waveline SIB and it flew along!
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Old 07 May 2015, 14:08   #4
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By chance I'd noticed that elsewhere Matt and wished I had an excuse to buy it. Unfortunately I already have an excellent Mariner 4 of similar design so there's no man maths I can apply to consider yours... but I do like a minter of an outboard.

It would probably suit kaferboy though.
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Old 07 May 2015, 14:11   #5
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How do newer 4 strokes in the size compare?
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Old 07 May 2015, 14:22   #6
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
Well it would be easier to advise if you had a specific 5hp & 6hp under consideration to compare.

Tohatsu make popular smaller outboards and their grouping is...

4hp & 5hp are the same single cylinder 102cc outboard (weighs 42lbs) just with carb/tuning variation to achieve the 5hp so out of the two the 5hp makes sense. However their 6hp is the smallest of their twin cylinder 169cc models (all weighing 57lbs) which include the 8 and 9.8hp "tuned" variants.

So yes the 6 does weigh 15lbs more than the 5 but for me I'd rather the smoother 2cyl larger capacity engine of the 6.
I've just bought a new 6HP Mercury which I'm sure is Tohatsu based and it's a single cylinder......25kg. My old 5HP Mariner 2T (again a Tohatsu) was 18KG.
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Old 07 May 2015, 14:44   #7
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Thanks for the very helpful advice Fenlander! Matt, I'm hoping to find one a little closer to home, but if I can't I'll give it some consideration - it certainly looks a very well looked after outboard.
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Old 07 May 2015, 15:03   #8
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There is a really useful website out there called something like "" (Google that and you'll find it)

It's ridiculously graphics heavy & slow, but does have a LOT of old O/B sales brochures available to view. (back to the 1950s). Also lets you print.

Yes, As Fenlander says one physical lump of metal is usually de- tuned to create the next couple of lower HPs - Another example - the mid 90s Johnsorude 5Hp I have as an aux also masqueraded as a 6 and an 8! So it's really lardy for a 5, but I am on the lookout for a couple of replacement parts to turn it into a reasonably light 8Hp...
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